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    Judiciary: Electronic service queries facilitated the work of the employees and to the reviewers

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Judiciary: Electronic service queries facilitated the work of the employees and to the reviewers Empty Judiciary: Electronic service queries facilitated the work of the employees and to the reviewers

    Post by Rocky Sun 29 Dec 2013, 4:16 am

    Judiciary: Electronic service queries facilitated the work of the employees and to the reviewers

    Sunday, 29 January 1 / December 2013 11:51

    [Baghdad where]

    Supreme Judicial Council announced the success of e-mail queries to facilitate the work of the staff and reviewers.

    According to the judge of first instance court competent to hear cases in construction contracts in Karkh, Saad al-Jubouri, according to a statement received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it today that "the task of electronic queries is to identify sites of the courts, which wants to resume Karkh references go forth."

    He pointed out that "the federal appeals court Karkh very wide and the various courts and enters it does not know where to go and felt that the presidency of Appeals develop queries that a civilized and very modern to facilitate the work of the staff and reviewers.

    Jubouri said that "the most important work of the Electronic Information Service is to regulate the role of auditors When someone wants to know where the court takes the role in an easy and comfortable, contrary to what was present, as was previously the references between wandering the corridors of the court and this will lead to severe congestion in the aisles. "

    "The equipment used in these queries in place in all countries of the world evolving," revealing at the same time that "the mechanism provided to the court for the preparation of accurate statistical reviewers to each court, because we did not have these statistics in the past."

    "We want to coordinate with the Public Information Unit in court to instruct the auditors are required for each of the gripping issue, especially since many of them elderly or uneducated or people do not have knowledge of the work of the courts."

    Jubouri reported that "the number of employees has increased after it adopted the presidency of the Court of Appeal it but we still need other teams specializing in information technology as we sometimes we use Bmnzbe security to organize the movement of the court , even though we wish that overcomes the administrative side on the security side. "

    He concluded that "this court only in the courts of appeal, which owns the judiciary is an electronic queries, "and expressed hope that" develops this idea in other courts because it is an important cultural issue. "

    He began working electronic queries on 6/11/2012 with this unit was suffering from a shortage of staff . ended

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