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    Economist: 2014 budget of the highest in the history of Iraq

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    Economist: 2014 budget of the highest in the history of Iraq Empty Economist: 2014 budget of the highest in the history of Iraq

    Post by Rocky Tue 31 Dec 2013, 8:18 am

    Economist: 2014 budget of the highest in the history of Iraq

    December 31, 2013 11:17

    Revealed the parliamentary Economic Committee that the general budget in 2014 is the highest in the history of Iraq compared to predecessors, and despite the improvement in the proportion of the budget of the investment, but that the committee promised "non-responsive to the ambition", while confirming the existence of a good increase in the operational budget. Committee felt that the delayed approval will affect the implementation of service projects and investment, as well as the late arrival of the revenue desired, thus causing the reluctance of the economic development process.
    of said committee member Amer winner that "next year's budget in 2014 as the rest of the years that preceded it, the exposure to the political pressure," calling on all political blocs to overcome their differences, especially that it (the budget) in the interest of the country and society and provides services for the Iraqi people. "
    he added, according to the morning newspaper that it did not reach the House of Representatives yet to be studied and discussed, because of the reasons for the delay differences on oil exports, indicating that it will to the late arrival of the customizations and money to the sources assigned to them, including the ministries, provinces and institutions that cause damage to economic losses.
    higher wages and saw at the same time it will lead to delays in service projects that provide services to citizens, as well as delays in investment projects that are in the interest of investment and the process of development of the economy Iraqi, and thus lead to higher wages for manpower and rising prices of raw materials and delay the arrival of imports desired projects.
    also noted the winner of the operational budget for 2014, a very high proportion of the investment budget, in spite of improvement (investment) for the year 2013 but it is still not responsive to the aspiration and non- enough, and so record (operational) index bidder budgets of previous years. noted that the budget year 2014 was estimated at 174 trillion and 649 billion dinars, which included an increase from the previous one in 2013 by more than 36 trillion dinars.
    As for the increase in the public budget allocations for the coming years, especially investment ones, expect a member of the Committee that the House of Representatives would bring proposals to the Economic Committee of Ministers, for not having the powers in financial matters, but it has the right to Ador money from one section to another within it.
    pointed out that it is possible to refer projects developed within the planned budget to invest national or foreign, and thus investors are implemented without assigning state any effort Mali, especially that most of the projects extends implemented for several years, which ensures the quality and speed of completion of projects.
    noted that the Council of Ministers recently decided to resolve the bill of the state budget for the year 2014 after the completion of the talks with the delegation of the province Kurdistan during the week.

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