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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Sources: The new parliament session will be held full quorum and the largest bloc headed by Maliki

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Sources: The new parliament session will be held full quorum and the largest bloc headed by Maliki Empty Sources: The new parliament session will be held full quorum and the largest bloc headed by Maliki

    Post by Rocky Mon 03 Sep 2018, 1:49 am

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    Sources: The new parliament session will be held full quorum and the largest bloc headed by Maliki

    Informed political sources informed on Monday that the new parliament session will be held full quorum, indicating that "the axis of the largest bloc will be headed by the leader of a coalition of state law Nuri al-Maliki."
    The sources told the Journal News that "the session of parliament scheduled for the third day of September will be held full quorum and the presidency of the oldest deputy is Mohammad Ali Zinni."
    She added that "the largest bloc will be resolved in the meeting also headed by the leader of a coalition of state law, Nuri al-Maliki and the membership of a large number of blocs and deputies, most notably Ahmed Jubouri Abu Mazen, and Ali Alsgeri and Amar al-Yusuf and Jassim Jabara and Ryan Chaldean."
    A document, obtained by the «Journal News» on Sunday, the names of lists, constitute the largest bloc in Parliament, and the number of deputies in preparation for the announcement in parliament, on Monday.
    The document shows that the total number of seats in the bloc is 162 seats, and includes the Yazidi, Sabean, Christian and Turkmen parties.
    A source in the Information Office of the President of the Fatah coalition Hadi al-Amiri that the meeting of leaders of coalitions (Fatah, the rule of law, and the national axis) with the Kurdish delegation, did not reach specific results.
    He added: "The meeting of the Kurdish delegation and the leaders of the rule of law and Fatah and the national axis in the house of Amiri without agreement on something, and that what happened is a convergence of views."
    The Iraqi parliamentary elections took place on 12 May, with the electronic voting system, and issued "Sarun" Iraqi political entities in this election by winning about 54 seats in the new parliament.
    The coalition of the "conquest" led by Hadi al-Amiri ranked second with about 47 seats, and came the coalition, "victory" led by Prime Minister Haider Abadi third win with about 42 seats.
    "We are now the biggest bloc and the MP is free to make his decision, and we hope the other parties will join us today before the first session of the lower house of parliament," he said.
    "We had a determination to be the largest bloc and we will open to others to form a real partnership," Amiri said.

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