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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Abadi's policy : I have not in any way refused to negotiate the issue of Kirkuk

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Abadi's policy : I have not in any way refused to negotiate the issue of Kirkuk Empty Abadi's policy : I have not in any way refused to negotiate the issue of Kirkuk

    Post by Rocky Mon Sep 03, 2018 3:11 am

    Abadi's policy : I have not in any way refused to negotiate the issue of Kirkuk[/size]
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     2 hours ago

    "[Asharq Al-Awsat] Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi denied that he has refused to negotiate on Kirkuk, which has been run by the federal government for about a year after its participation in the referendum of Kurdistan. 
    The issue of Kirkuk and the management of oil files and salaries of staff in the region are the main demands of the Kurds to join the largest bloc. 
    Abadi said during his meeting with a number of journalists in Baghdad, that there are demands for the Sunnis and Kurds are viable and acceptable, and it will be after the formation of the new government. 
    He also stressed his readiness to negotiate on oil and security files and the manner of administration, and denied his refusal to negotiate on the file of Kirkuk. 
    But Abadi said that there are Iraqi parties "signed a document in which to concede to the Kurds from the disputed areas, including Kirkuk." 
    The talk of Abadi, the day before the scheduled session of the new parliament to launch a marathon after the formation of the government.
    However, the formation of the government needs to cause the Constitution to form a larger bloc within the parliament, which is not reached by two Shiite camps leading negotiations in this regard. 
    The first camp consists of Nuri al-Maliki (the coalition of state law) and the leader of Badr Hadi al-Amiri (also leads the coalition of conquest), while the second Shiite camp and the most prominent symbols, Haider Abadi, Ammar al-Hakim, Muqtada al-Sadr and Iyad Allawi. 
    So far, the first camp was able to collect less than 100 seats, and includes a coalition of the rule of law led by Nuri al-Maliki (26 seats), and led by Hadi al-Amiri (48 seats), and the will of Hanan al-Fatlawi (3 seats), and competencies led by Haitham Jubouri (two seats) , As well as small blocks that have won a seat or two seats in southern Iraq, as well as others said leaders in this camp that "took off their sale to slaves and wise and pledged to be with us."
    (21 seats), the wisdom led by Ammar al-Hakim (19 seats), and the victory led by Haider Abadi (42 seats), to the Alongside lists of Turkoman and Christian minorities, officials said, "They made oral promises last Sunday to join the coalition, being more Iraqi than the first." 
    The Kurdish blocs, most notably the Democratic Party and the Kurdistan Alliance (43 seats), turned to the Qubban egg. The acceptance of these blocs in alliance with one of the two Shiite camps would defeat the competition in favor of one party over the other. The United States, through its envoy, who allocated more than one aircraft between Baghdad and Erbil to the movement of leaders and leaders of Sunni and Kurdish Iraqi.

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