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    Trump adviser reveals the plan of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE against Qatar

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Trump adviser reveals the plan of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE against Qatar Empty Trump adviser reveals the plan of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE against Qatar

    Post by Rocky Mon 17 Sep 2018, 3:35 am

    Trump adviser reveals the plan of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE against Qatar
    Trump adviser reveals the plan of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE against Qatar Irq_686485806_1537166593
    Steve Bannon, former senior adviser to US President Donald Trump on strategic affairs, unveiled the plan for Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE against Qatar in 2017.
    In a meeting at a US research institute, which was also part of the US delegation at the summit, a number of social networking leaders re-circulated a video of Steve Bannon, saying he was familiar with the plan the UAE, Egypt and Saudi Arabia had taken against the State of Qatar, During the Islamic-American Summit in Riyadh in May 2017, according to the Qatari newspaper "Al-Sharq".
    "The Islamic summit in Riyadh was seen as an opportunity to seize Qatar instead of resolving the crisis," he said, noting that "Qatar should have been held accountable for its support of the Brotherhood and Hamas and its relationship with Turkey and Iran."
    "In view of the people who were with us at the summit, and although I am not an expert in foreign relations, I realized then that the UAE, Egypt and Saudi Arabia had a solid plan against Qatar." Finished

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