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    South Korea's president says he is carrying a new message to Trump from North Korea's leader

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    South Korea's president says he is carrying a new message to Trump from North Korea's leader Empty South Korea's president says he is carrying a new message to Trump from North Korea's leader

    Post by Rocky Thu 20 Sep 2018, 5:34 am

    [size=42]South Korea's president says he is carrying a new message to Trump from North Korea's leader 1035411858
    [size=42]South Korea's president says he is carrying a new message to Trump from North Korea's leader[/size]
    [ltr]© AP Photo / Pyongyang Press Corps Pool[/ltr]

    12:13 20.09.2018(Updated 12:32 20.09.2018)Copy the link
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    South Korean leader Moon Jinn said Thursday he was sending a message to US President Donald Trump from North Korean leader Kim Pyong-nen.
    Sputnik . "I will soon be visiting the United States, and I will meet with President Trump, and I intend to talk to him about the details of the nuclear disarmament process, which were not discussed in the final communique of the inter-Korean summit," the South Korean leader told a news conference after his visit to North Korea. Send a message to North Korea through us, on the one hand, North Korea wants to transfer the message of the United States with our assistance on the other hand, and I will fulfill this role when I meet with President Trump. "

      Current date/time is Wed 22 Jan 2025, 4:14 pm