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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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5 posters

    Fahmi: The prime minister's choice will be very soon after today's meeting

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    Fahmi: The prime minister's choice will be very soon after today's meeting Empty Fahmi: The prime minister's choice will be very soon after today's meeting

    Post by Rocky Mon 01 Oct 2018, 2:37 am

    Fahmi: The prime minister's choice will be very soon after today's meeting

    08:44 - 01/10/2018
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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Information / Baghdad ..
    The leader of the alliance of the deputy MP Raed Fahmi said on Monday that the decision to choose the prime minister will be after today's session devoted to the election of the President of the Republic very shortly, indicating that there is very broad consensus on the selection of Adel Abdul Mahdi for the post mentioned.
    Fahmy said in a statement to the information that "there is a high degree of acceptance of Adel Abdul-Mahdi between the construction and reform, but the subject has not been resolved permanently, despite the existence of a great rapprochement between the conquest and the rest of the character mentioned," noting that "there Some parties or blocs that do not support the presence of Adel Abdul-Mahdi in the prime minister, may be the most prominent state law or part of it, but the majority with the ascendancy of Adel Abdul-Mahdi as prime minister. "
    He added that "the Kurdish parties will not object to Adel Abdul Mahdi, as the other blocs do not object to this person, and therefore to a large extent there is no objection to Adel Abdul Mahdi," noting that "the post of prime minister may be decided at the same time the selection of the President of the Republic, And if not resolved, it will be very close after the election of the President of the Republic. "
    Fahmi stressed that "the religious authority did not object to the person Adel Abdul Mahdi, and therefore the consensus is moving towards him and most of the parties did not object to his candidacy." Ending / 25 n

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    Fahmi: The prime minister's choice will be very soon after today's meeting Empty Re: Fahmi: The prime minister's choice will be very soon after today's meeting

    Post by chouchou Mon 01 Oct 2018, 2:49 am

    Very soon. lol
    Interacting Investor
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    Fahmi: The prime minister's choice will be very soon after today's meeting Empty Re: Fahmi: The prime minister's choice will be very soon after today's meeting

    Post by Diamond Mon 01 Oct 2018, 3:29 am

    chouchou wrote:Very soon. lol
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    Fahmi: The prime minister's choice will be very soon after today's meeting Empty Re: Fahmi: The prime minister's choice will be very soon after today's meeting

    Post by Lobo Mon 01 Oct 2018, 1:33 pm

    laugh laugh laugh

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    Fahmi: The prime minister's choice will be very soon after today's meeting Empty Re: Fahmi: The prime minister's choice will be very soon after today's meeting

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