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    British report reveals Iran 's plans to circumvent US sanctions

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    British report reveals Iran 's plans to circumvent US sanctions Empty British report reveals Iran 's plans to circumvent US sanctions

    Post by Rocky Thu 11 Oct 2018, 2:28 am

    British report reveals Iran 's plans to circumvent US sanctions[/size]
    British report reveals Iran 's plans to circumvent US sanctions 1-1045850

     Twilight News    

     51 minutes ago

    (Reuters) - Iran has entered an unprecedented state of unease as the Nov. 4 deadline for the United States to tighten its sanctions against Tehran, which could dry up its foreign currency sources and freeze the lifeline of the Iranian economy, which is the sale of oil abroad.
    Iran is currently racing to circumvent US sanctions and devise alternative ways and means to sell its oil abroad in order to save its economy from the next crisis, which will result from the sanctions that will be imposed on Iraq, according to an extensive report published by The Financial Times. Tightened next month.
    The newspaper quoted sources close to the regime in Iran as saying that Tehran wants to be any subsequent negotiations with the US administration after it was able to circumvent the sanctions and steadfastness in front of them, thus strengthening its negotiating position.
    The newspaper said there were plans by the regime in Iran to "circumvent the US sanctions," noting that among these plans is to "revive the role of mediators who will buy Iranian oil locally and then resell it on world markets under the guise of being private Iranian and not affiliated with the government. "
    The newspaper pointed out that Iran established a "bourse" in 2012, which can be used in the future for fraud operations planned by the Iranian regime to carry out.
    The Financial Times is talking about an Iranian businessman named Babak Zangani who is currently facing the death penalty for refusing to return $ 2.8 billion to the government, which he earned as a result of selling crude oil to consumers in Asia during the previous sanctions period, "Performed by the system.
    US President Donald Trump has canceled the Iranian nuclear deal, which was approved by the previous US administration, and re-activated the economic sanctions against Tehran. These sanctions are to be phased out. The fourth of November next, and is expected to lead to the disruption of the Iranian economy of large losses and intervention in a crisis greater than the previous crisis.

      Current date/time is Tue 17 Sep 2024, 3:47 am