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    an American report reveals what he has gained from Iraq and a "password" in a neighboring country

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    an American report reveals what he has gained from Iraq and a "password" in a neighboring country Empty an American report reveals what he has gained from Iraq and a "password" in a neighboring country

    Post by Rocky Sat 13 Oct 2018, 6:44 am

    an American report reveals what he has gained from Iraq and a "password" in a neighboring country[/size]
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     one hour ago

    After breaking his shack and losing 98 percent of the land he once controlled, the organization is wooing a terrorist who is looking for a solution and seems to have found it in Turkey.
    A report by Foreign Policy magazine warned of the return of life to the terrorist organization because of its skill in finding sources of income to finance its operations, especially money laundering operations under the guise of Turkish companies in particular.
    He often used the land he controls to raise billions of dollars through extortion, tax, robbery and selling oil, but the organization has proven he can make money even without controlling large population centers.
    During its heyday and spread in 2015, Dahesh collected nearly $ 6 billion, making it the richest terrorist group in history. How did it have the equivalent of the GDP of some countries?
    When he seized vast tracts of land approaching two-thirds of the territory of Syria and Iraq, he "squeezed" his money from three main sources: oil and gas (about $ 500 million in 2015, mostly through sales), taxes and extortion (about $ 360 million in 2015) ) And the looting of Mosul in 2014 (where he stole about $ 500 million from bank coffers).
    Now he has "pushed" most of the land he has seized, following the local military campaigns and raids, led by the US-led international coalition, thus halting the flow of revenue and funding drastically reduced, and began a search for other sources to save money without controlling the land.
    The organization's leaders have relied on up to $ 400 million from Iraq and Syria, while Foreign Policy said they would launder money through companies in the region, especially in Turkey, while some money could be transferred to gold and stored for sale in the future.
    At the same time, even with a "dwindling" income, the organization's expenses have also dwindled compared to what it was before. There are no administrative expenses for the land after the loss. With a reduced budget, the funds accumulated will provide the group enough to remain a terrorist movement Waged a long guerrilla war in Syria and Iraq.
    He also supports his "coffers" of various funding sources through a range of new criminal activities, exploiting the deteriorating security situation in both countries, including extortion and kidnapping for ransom, theft, drug trafficking and antiquities trafficking, all of which do not require retention. Land.

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