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    Jordan tops the Arab countries with the least risk of money laundering and the financing of terroris

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Jordan tops the Arab countries with the least risk of money laundering and the financing of terroris Empty Jordan tops the Arab countries with the least risk of money laundering and the financing of terroris

    Post by Rocky Sat 13 Oct 2018, 2:16 pm

    Jordan tops the Arab countries with the least risk of money laundering and the financing of terrorism risks for 2018

    Jordan tops the Arab countries with the least risk of money laundering and the financing of terroris NB-249858-636750229205577499

    topped the list of Arab countries with the least risk of money laundering and the risk of financing terrorism in 2018, while Finland ranked first in the world at least risk. The index is based on the assessment of the risks of countries in the area of ​​money laundering and the financing of terrorism by assessing their control frameworks in the country and other relevant factors, including financial transparency, public transparency, the effectiveness of the judicial system in the country and the risks of corruption.

    According to the report, prepared by "Basel" Institute that Finland was ranked first globally , followed by Estonia and then Bluhtania and New Zealand, according to the index of Basel in less serious anti - money laundering and the risk of terrorist financing in 2018. 

    and occupied Jordan , her lead the Arab order as less dangerous after its solutions at the center 89 globally, followed by Saudi Arabia ranks 81th globally, followed by Qatar with 79th place globally and Bahrain with 65th globally. 

    It came Egypt at the center 62 globally, and the UAE ranked 53, while Lebanon solution center 42 globally, and Morocco at 33, Algeria 29, Yemen at the center 17 to be the most dangerous Arab country in money laundering and terrorist financing.

    According to the report, money laundering and terrorist financing continue to impede state economies, discredit international finance and harm citizens around the world. The amount of money being laundered worldwide is estimated at between $ 500 billion and $ 1 trillion. 

    The report emphasized that most countries lack progress or little progress towards eliminating corruption, and public transparency is declining as governments do not provide enough information on how public funds are managed. 

    The Basel Governance Institute is an independent, non-profit center specializing in the study of anti-corruption and public governance, combating money-laundering, enforcing criminal law and recovering stolen assets.

      Current date/time is Thu 12 Sep 2024, 3:09 am