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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    State of Law: Talks last hours to form a government will change the facts

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    State of Law: Talks last hours to form a government will change the facts Empty State of Law: Talks last hours to form a government will change the facts

    Post by Rocky Fri 19 Oct 2018, 3:09 am

    State of Law: Talks last hours to form a government will change the facts
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    BAGHDAD / A member of a coalition of state law, led by Nuri al-Maliki, Saad al-Mutlabi, Thursday, that the last hours before the introduction of President-designate Adel Abdul-Mahdi, "cab" new ministerial, has changed many faces and facts, noting that what is circulating in the media not A relationship with the political reality.
    "The political dialogues between the negotiating committees of the political entities are still ongoing, in order to discuss the mechanism of forming a new government," he said, adding that "the parties learned their shares within the new Adel Abdul Mahdi, but does not know the names New ministers ".
    He added that "what is happening from media statements to members of the parties, which is happening in reality," pointing out that "the last hours before the introduction of President-designate Adel Abdul-Mahdi," cabinet "new ministerial, has changed a lot of faces and facts.
    Prime Minister-designate Adel Abdul-Mahdi announced on Wednesday his intention to present his cabinet next week.
    The Information Office of the Prime Minister-designate, in a statement received, "appointed Iraq News," that "Abdul-Mahdi intends to submit the names of members of his ministerial group with the ministerial platform next week," noting that "Abdul Mahdi is required contacts with the Presidency of Parliament and with the leadership and parliamentary blocs To determine the appropriate day to submit the names of his ministerial formation. "
    Prime Minister-designate Adel Abdul-Mahdi is in constant motion to choose his cabinet during the 30-day constitutional period since his appointment on Tuesday (October 2nd). Finished

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