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    US magazine reveals an Arab country "victim of Daish" after Iraq and Syria

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    US magazine reveals an Arab country "victim of Daish" after Iraq and Syria Empty US magazine reveals an Arab country "victim of Daish" after Iraq and Syria

    Post by Rocky Thu 01 Nov 2018, 2:43 am

    US magazine reveals an Arab country "victim of Daish" after Iraq and Syria

    US magazine reveals an Arab country "victim of Daish" after Iraq and Syria NB-251521-636766530870112457

    US media reported, Thursday, that the next victim of "Daash" will be an Arab country. 

    According to the magazine "National Interest", the next state that will strengthen the organization of "Dahesh" presence in it will be Jordan

    According to the authors of the article, although Jordan is an ally of the United States in the region of fighting "Daash", the Hashemite Kingdom is in real danger. 

    The magazine pointed out that Jordanians occupy the third rank in terms of the number of foreign fighters in the organization, "Daash." The number of terrorists is about 3,000.

    The magazine pointed out that the risk of destabilization in the country is exacerbated by the problems of unemployment, poverty, weak governance and religious extremism. 

    The terrorists are expected to return home after being defeated in Syria and Iraq and pose a serious threat to homeland security thanks to experience gained from real fighting. 

    According to the newspaper, the Syrian refugees will also pose a threat, estimated in Jordan about 658 thousand of the country's total population of 9.5 million. They will be fertile ground for the seeds of extremism, because of the poor living conditions that may join the ranks of terrorists.

    The authors noted that the problem of extremism in the country has become more acute since 2015. In August 2018, four Jordanian security officers were killed in a terrorist attack in Salt, and injured 16 others from the local population. Later, five extremists were arrested. Several devices that the attackers planned to use for new attacks were discovered close to the site of the attack.

      Current date/time is Thu 12 Sep 2024, 1:40 am