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    Pentagon shows cost of space power

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Pentagon shows cost of space power Empty Pentagon shows cost of space power

    Post by Rocky Thu 15 Nov 2018, 2:22 pm

    [size=40]Pentagon shows cost of space power
    15 November, 2018

    Pentagon shows cost of space power 0AE1C5A5-51CC-43D0-A379-D8DC8B3823CA_cx0_cy7_cw0_w1023_r1_s

    Deputy Secretary of Defense Patrick Chanahan (right) along with President Donald Trump and Foreign Minister Mike Pompeo

    US Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick Chanahan said Thursday that the cost of creating a military "space force," which President Donald Trump had asked for in an executive resolution in June, would be between $ 5 billion and $ 10 billion.
    In a statement to reporters at the Pentagon, Chanahan said the force, which would be the sixth weapon in the armed forces alongside the military, air, naval, coast guard and marines, should be approved by the Senate before March 2019. Otherwise, The defense budget for the fiscal year 2021.
    Pentagon officials say the military space force will have capabilities beyond the air force and missile defense agencies and will not be involved in NASA missions. Its main operations will be to deal with the outer space of the Earth and protect more than 100 US satellites serving US intelligence and national security agencies.

      Current date/time is Sat 18 Jan 2025, 11:30 am