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    Replacing the dollar with another currency for travelers to the Islamic Republic of Iran

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    Replacing the dollar with another currency for travelers to the Islamic Republic of Iran Empty Replacing the dollar with another currency for travelers to the Islamic Republic of Iran

    Post by Rocky Wed 28 Nov 2018, 6:26 am

    Replacing the dollar with another currency for travelers to the Islamic Republic of Iran

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    Replacing the dollar with another currency for travelers to the Islamic Republic of Iran Empty The central bank directs banks not to grant the dollar to those wishing to travel to Iran

    Post by Rocky Wed 28 Nov 2018, 6:38 am

    The central bank directs banks not to grant the dollar to those wishing to travel to Iran

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    The Central Bank of Iraq, on Wednesday, banks and exchange companies authorized not to grant the dollar to those wishing to travel to Iran.
    A document issued by the Central Bank and obtained "Economy News" a copy, not to grant the dollar currency to those wishing to travel to the Islamic Republic of Iran and possible to replace the dollar in another currency. 
    The document referred to the contents of the announcement of the president of the Iranian Chamber of Commerce on the cancellation of the dollar in trade with Iraq. 
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    Replacing the dollar with another currency for travelers to the Islamic Republic of Iran Empty In the document .. Guidance from the Central Bank regarding granting the dollar to those wishing to

    Post by Rocky Wed 28 Nov 2018, 6:50 am

    In the document .. Guidance from the Central Bank regarding granting the dollar to those wishing to travel to Iran

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    Alsumaria News publishes a document containing guidance from the Central Bank of Iraq to banks and exchange companies authorized not to sell the dollar for those wishing to travel to Iran. 

    The following is the document:

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    Replacing the dollar with another currency for travelers to the Islamic Republic of Iran Empty In implementation of the US sanctions .. The Central Bank prevents the sale of dollars for those wis

    Post by Rocky Wed 28 Nov 2018, 6:52 am

    In implementation of the US sanctions .. The Central Bank prevents the sale of dollars for those wishing to visit Iran

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    On Wednesday, November 28, 2018, [url= %D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B1%D9%83%D8%B2%D9%8A]the central bank[/url] directed banks and exchange companies not to sell the dollar to those wishing to visit Iran. 

    The text of the book: "reference to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs No. 10/1/2/1587, dated 6/9/2018, which contained the announcement of the President of the Iranian Chamber of Commerce, the abolition of the dollar in trade with Iraq." 

    He added: "We ask your banks to take this into account, especially for travelers to the Islamic Republic of Iran, where it requires replacing the dollar in another currency

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    Replacing the dollar with another currency for travelers to the Islamic Republic of Iran Empty Re: Replacing the dollar with another currency for travelers to the Islamic Republic of Iran

    Post by weslin3 Wed 28 Nov 2018, 6:55 am

    Shows that they are trying... But you know there will be some that will take USD in there. How can you stop that completely. At least they have a show of following the sanctions.

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    Replacing the dollar with another currency for travelers to the Islamic Republic of Iran Empty Re: Replacing the dollar with another currency for travelers to the Islamic Republic of Iran

    Post by Lobo Wed 28 Nov 2018, 12:20 pm

    Thanks Rocky, this will not end well for Iran.  Too bad, so sad.
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    Replacing the dollar with another currency for travelers to the Islamic Republic of Iran Empty The central bank directs banks and exchange companies not to sell the dollar to those wishing to tra

    Post by Rocky Wed 28 Nov 2018, 3:31 pm

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    The central bank directs banks and exchange companies not to sell the dollar to those wishing to travel to Iran

    A document obtained by the «Journal News» revealed a directive from the Central Bank of Iraq, banks and exchange companies across the country not to sell the dollar for those wishing to travel to Iran.
     The document showed the banks and items on the commitment to cancel the dollar in trade with Iran.
    He called on the Iraqi Central to direct passengers to Iran to replace the US dollar in another currency.
    Earlier this month, the United States imposed a second package of sanctions on Iran, including oil exports and US dollar transactions.
    Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi announced that Iraq is not part of the US sanctions against Iran, and will take a position similar to that of the European Union, Russia and China.

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    Replacing the dollar with another currency for travelers to the Islamic Republic of Iran Empty Central Bank prevents the sale of the dollar to those heading to Iran

    Post by Rocky Thu 29 Nov 2018, 2:51 am

    Central Bank prevents the sale of the dollar to those heading to Iran

    Thursday, 29 November 2018
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    A document issued by [url= %D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B1%D9%83%D8%B2%D9%8A]the Central Bank[/url] , addressed to banks and authorized banking offices, revealed that the dollar is not sold to Iraqi travelers heading to Iran.

    "Referring to the State Department's September book, the dollar will be abolished in trade between [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Iran," it said. 

    The central bank also called on travelers to [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] to replace the US dollar in another currency.

    The United States imposed a series of economic sanctions against Iran, most recently in November, which included the non-use of the dollar in trade with Iran, in addition to the sale and purchase of oil and its derivatives from and to Tehran.

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    Replacing the dollar with another currency for travelers to the Islamic Republic of Iran Empty Re: Replacing the dollar with another currency for travelers to the Islamic Republic of Iran

    Post by Proven Sat 01 Dec 2018, 4:13 pm

    rocky wrote:

    In implementation of the US sanctions .. The Central Bank prevents the sale of dollars for those wishing to visit Iran

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    On Wednesday, November 28, 2018, [url= %D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B1%D9%83%D8%B2%D9%8A]the central bank[/url] directed banks and exchange companies not to sell the dollar to those wishing to visit Iran. 

    The text of the book: "reference to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs No. 10/1/2/1587, dated 6/9/2018, which contained the announcement of the President of the Iranian Chamber of Commerce, the abolition of the dollar in trade with Iraq." 

    He added: "We ask your banks to take this into account, especially for travelers to the Islamic Republic of Iran, where it requires replacing the dollar in another currency

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    Thinking about this policy....

    Now travelers to and from Iran will not be able to purchase dollars (legally).

    This will reduced dollar demand.

    Less demand....less demand at auction.

    Another deliberate step.

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    Replacing the dollar with another currency for travelers to the Islamic Republic of Iran Empty Re: Replacing the dollar with another currency for travelers to the Islamic Republic of Iran

    Post by Lobo Sat 01 Dec 2018, 4:25 pm

    Thanks Proven, never thought about it that way.

    yes yes yes

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    Replacing the dollar with another currency for travelers to the Islamic Republic of Iran Empty Re: Replacing the dollar with another currency for travelers to the Islamic Republic of Iran

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