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    Implementation of a project in Basra to plant the coast of FAO with salt and heat resistant trees

    Admin Assist
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     Implementation of a project in Basra to plant the coast of FAO with salt and heat resistant trees Empty Implementation of a project in Basra to plant the coast of FAO with salt and heat resistant trees

    Post by Rocky Tue 04 Dec 2018, 2:44 am

    Implementation of a project in Basra to plant the coast of FAO with salt and heat resistant trees

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    The Marshlands and Wetlands Rehabilitation Center, in collaboration with government institutions including the Marine Science Center at the University of Basrah , launched a project to reforest the Iraqi coastline on the Gulf by importing a type of tree that is not locally known to stabilize the soil and enrich biodiversity in the coastal environment. . 

    "The Marshlands and Wetland Rehabilitation Center, in cooperation with the Center for Marine Sciences, the College of Agriculture, the General Ports Company and the Directorate of Basrah, has started implementing a project to reforest the Iraqi coastline overlooking the Gulf with mangroves," said Alaa Badran, an agricultural consultant and consultant. That "this type of trees did not have the Iraqi environment before, and the seeds were imported from Iran and Oman, And was planted in nurseries of the Center of Marine Sciences and the College of Agriculture in preparation for the transfer of seedlings respectively to the sites of cultivation in the district of FAO .

    Al-Badran pointed out that "the project is carried out by benefiting from the experiences of countries including the Oman authority, and Iraq delayed the transfer of experience, where the Gulf countries preceded by more than twenty years," adding that "the project involves significant environmental benefits, Helps to stabilize the soil and prevent erosion of the coastal strip due to currents, and is a habitat for migratory birds and species of crustaceans and fish, and also lead to the expansion of vegetation cover, which contributes to the improvement of the environment. 

    "Mangroves will form forests that can be used as tourist attractions, as in the UAE and many East Asian countries, "said Badran, who was the head of agricultural engineers in Basra .

    Mangrove is a term for trees living in coastal or saline coastal environments. It consists of 100 species belonging to 18 species and 23 species distributed around the world in the tropics and sub-tropics, particularly coastal areas in the Caribbean and South East Asia, while in the Arab countries there are three types of coastal lagoons (mangroves), most notably the Crimean plant (called Shura in Egypt and Sudan), is also characterized by its ability to tolerate salinity and resistance to high temperatures.

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