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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Abadi's policy describes fighting against a "Kenyan war" and reveals his greatest fears

    Admin Assist
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     Abadi's policy describes fighting against a "Kenyan war" and reveals his greatest fears Empty Abadi's policy describes fighting against a "Kenyan war" and reveals his greatest fears

    Post by Rocky Tue 11 Dec 2018, 2:14 am

    Abadi's policy describes fighting against a "Kenyan war" and reveals his greatest fears[/size]
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     2 hours ago

    Former Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said the battle against the terrorist organization was not easy, adding that Iraq was "conducting a global war." 
    Abadi told Asharq Al-Awsat, on the occasion of the anniversary of the declaration of victory against the terrorist organization, where Iraq is officially celebrating victory today, that "the battle for the elimination of (Da'sh) was not easy and as Prime Minister and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces I was aware that the battle of liberation is not military And it is a multi-task and trends and squares military, security, intelligence, economic, cultural, information and internal regional regional overlapping files and agendas ». 
    "In the depth of the story of the management of the global battle fought by Iraq and its leadership and its people in all literal and in the most difficult political, economic and social conditions and the most complex equations of regional and international conflict.
    He explained that «the circumstances of the management of the battle was more difficult than the battle on the ground where we had to manage by invoking all the contradictions and possibilities and overlap of files». 
    In response to a question about the most serious challenge represented by the organization is no longer existent, Abadi said, "I have to emphasize here that the value of victory over (the preacher) lies in the crushing of his regional project aimed at redrawing the map of countries and communities on the basis of geo-sectarian reconciliation," noting that «Iraqis with their blood and their will to save the region and the world of the largest violent draft division». 
    He continued: «(Da'ash) as a larger and more comprehensive project than« urging »the organization and the world to be aware of the value of Iraq's victory, which broke the option of the comprehensive Dahesh and broke it value and civilization as it broke militarily and security as crushed as a war communities and sects and crushed as a violent tool conflict strategies of the region» .
    On the situation of Iraq after a year of victory over the «preacher», says the former Prime Minister that «Iraq emerged stronger community, military and security, and is persistently to address all the repercussions and the consequences produced by the cycle of violence and destruction Aldashi community and urban». 
    In response to a question about the participation of the international coalition in the war against "Dahesh," Abbadi said that "there is a serious contribution to most of the world in the battles of liberation and humanitarian relief efforts and I thank them again, but I assure at the same time that the victory was Iraqi and the role of the world was supportive and supportive," he said. That "the countries of the world should not conflict victory and glory is Iraqi blood and determination formulated by Iraq's religious, political, military and cultural symbols and wrote chapters of the sacrifices of the people of various nationalities and sects, thanking the world but victory Iraqi.
    On the situation of the terrorist organization today, one year after breaking its shack and the end of the so-called "state of the caliphate," Abadi said, "I confirm that we have finished an entity and we have cut back militarily and will not be able to take control of the land again as our cities are safer and more secure than ever. He added that "there are pockets of this organization and sleeper cells here and there, but they are being dealt with militarily and security every day. We have to continue to end the organization, thought, culture and media, which is an international mission, not just an Iraqi one. P Tabar that terrorism is an internationalist and inevitable adoption of international repellants at various levels to Oodh and eradicate it. »
    Abadi said at the end of his speech that he feared that «the achievement of a major victory on the organization of advocating the elimination of sectarianism and the achievement of national security and sovereignty through the insistence of the Iraqi political system on the political performance sectarian sectarianism and work on the agenda of foreigners inside Iraq, Weakening the state and crippling its capabilities and re-producing the climate that has created (to urge) to do its capabilities ». 
    Internationally, Abbadi expressed "the fear that some countries in the region and the world have not yet realized the threat of terrorism and its ability to destroy societies and nations and continue to employ violence and terrorism as a tool of conflict in the battles of strategic interests." Abadi called on everyone "internally, regionally and internationally to benefit from the lesson well by deepening dialogues, understandings and agreements to extinguish the hotbeds of constant tension so that our societies will enjoy security, peace, coexistence and prosperity."
    It is noteworthy that Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi ordered that today, the tenth anniversary of the month of December (December) an official holiday in Iraq on the occasion of the anniversary of the announcement of his predecessor, the military victory on the organization of a supporter. 
    For its part, the United Nations announced the killing of about 50 thousand soldiers and civilians in Iraq as a result of the war on (Dahesh). 
    The organization said in a report that «the war on (Dahesh) left about 4 million displaced and damaged and caused the demolition of about 200 thousand homes during the years of control of the organization on a number of Iraqi provinces». "The war bill was very expensive, killing 50,000 people between civilians and military, while the unemployment rate in liberated areas was about 60 percent," the report said. He explained that «the cost of reconstruction of what was destroyed by the war amounted to more than $ 100 billion, while the cost of the military effort about $ 300 billion», pointing out «the existence of about 8 million tons of debris left by military operations».


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