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    Foreign Ministry issued a clarification on the execution of 50 Iraqis in 1991

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    Foreign Ministry issued a clarification on the execution of 50 Iraqis in 1991 Empty Foreign Ministry issued a clarification on the execution of 50 Iraqis in 1991

    Post by Rocky Sun 16 Dec 2018, 1:15 am

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    [size=32]Foreign Ministry issued a clarification on the execution of 50 Iraqis in 1991[/size]

    [rtl]8 views[/rtl]

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    [rtl]Kuwait's Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled al-Jarallah confirmed the existence of a link between the Kuwaiti embassy in Baghdad and officials there on the story of a former Kuwaiti policeman on a television channel about the execution of 50 innocent people believed to be Iraqi during the 1991 invasion.[/rtl]

    [rtl]"We are following up what was published and broadcast during this tape and the reactions in Iraq and we were able to get a report from the Interior Ministry," Jarallah said.[/rtl]

    [rtl]"The report does not indicate that the Iraqi and Iraqi nationals were killed when they were asked that the victims were Iraqi citizens (civilians or the Iraqi People's Army) who responded by not specifying nationalities. They said they were innocents without specifying their nationalities," he said.[/rtl]

    [rtl]The Kuwaiti official pointed to the existence of communication between the Kuwaiti embassy in Baghdad and the officials there, calling on "not to take this subject more than its size," and expressed Kuwait's readiness for further clarification of this subject.[/rtl]

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    Foreign Ministry issued a clarification on the execution of 50 Iraqis in 1991 Empty Kuwait coordinates with Baghdad on the 50 Iraqis

    Post by Rocky Sun 16 Dec 2018, 1:36 am

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    Kuwait coordinates with Baghdad on the 50 Iraqis

    Kuwait's deputy foreign minister Khalid al-Jarallah revealed that there was coordination with Baghdad over the execution of 50 Iraqis during Saddam Hussein's 1991 invasion of Iraq.
    "We are following up what was published and broadcast during this tape and the reactions in Iraq and we were able to get from the Ministry of the Interior a report on this subject," Jarallah said.
    "What is mentioned in the interview does not indicate that the dead Iraqi nationality and the speaker when asked that the victims were Iraqi citizens (civilians or the Iraqi People's Army was his response not to specify nationality, and said they are innocent without specifying their nationalities."
    He pointed to the existence of communication between the Kuwaiti embassy in Baghdad and officials there.
    He called for "not to take this subject more than its size," and expressed "Kuwait's readiness for further clarification of this subject."
    The Iraqi Foreign Ministry on Monday demanded its Kuwaiti counterpart to explain the alleged killing of 50 Iraqi civilians who were living in Kuwait in 1991.

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    Foreign Ministry issued a clarification on the execution of 50 Iraqis in 1991 Empty The first response to Kuwait's recent comment on the execution of 50 Iraqis: their statements were

    Post by Rocky Sun 16 Dec 2018, 2:43 am

    The first response to Kuwait's recent comment on the execution of 50 Iraqis: their statements were the ashes in the eyes

    Sunday, December 16,

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    considered high Nassif, Sunday that the suspension of MP Kuwait last on the execution of 50 Iraqi "throwing dust eye", wondering pain policeman knows that these Iraqis to the fact that a distinct dialect countries in the region. 

    Nassif said in an interview with Alsumaria News that "the confession of the policeman to kill 50 Iraqis and bury them is the master of evidence," noting that "Kuwait's latest comment on this is the peak of ashes in the eyes." 

    Oad 1 ft that "Kuwait is clear soft policy stingray to her sister Iraq ," noting that it "Kuwaitis Asdawa our heads the welfare of their captives and took compensation and recounted international resolutions file and stole from Iraq Masrkoh framed decisions and inwardly bribery and corruption that were given to the corrupt."

    She added that "history and generations are not forgotten, and the policeman is not ignorant of his confession," pointing out that "the Iraqi dialect distinct from the countries of the region, is it reasonable that this policeman did not know the 50 Iraqis of their dialect? 

    Recently, social networking pages circulated a video showing a Kuwaiti policeman stating that "elements of the Kuwaiti interior" executed in 1991 fifty Iraqis who were residing in Kuwait. 

    While the Iraqi Foreign Ministry demanded earlier, Kuwaiti counterpart to provide clarification about the execution of 50 Iraqi civilians who were residing in Kuwait. 

    Deputy Foreign Minister Khalid Al-Jarallah said on Sunday that "

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    Foreign Ministry issued a clarification on the execution of 50 Iraqis in 1991 Empty Kuwait suspends execution of 50 Iraqis: The spokesman did not mention their nationalities

    Post by Rocky Sun 16 Dec 2018, 3:17 am


    Kuwait suspends execution of 50 Iraqis: The spokesman did not mention their nationalities

    Sunday, December 16
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    Kuwait suspends execution of 50 Iraqis: The spokesman did not mention their nationalities

    Deputy Foreign Minister of Kuwait Khalid Al-Jarallah commented on the story of a former Kuwaiti policeman on a television channel about the execution of 50 Iraqis in 1991.
    Recently, social networking pages circulated a video showing a Kuwaiti policeman stating that "elements of the Kuwaiti interior" executed in 1991 fifty Iraqis who were residing in Kuwait. 

    "We are following up what was published and broadcast during this tape and the reactions in Iraq and we were able to get from the Ministry of the Interior a report on this subject," Jarallah said. 

    "What is mentioned in the interview does not indicate that the dead Iraqi nationality and the speaker when asked that the victims were Iraqi citizens (civilians or the Iraqi People's Army) was his response not to specify nationality, and said they are innocent without specifying their nationalities." 

    He pointed out that " Continued the Kuwaiti embassy in Baghdad and officials there, "calling on" not to take this subject more than the size. " 

    The neighbor expressed" Kuwait's readiness for further clarification of this subject. "

    The Iraqi Foreign Ministry on Monday demanded that its Kuwaiti counterpart clarify the allegations of the execution of 50 Iraqi civilians living in Kuwait in 1991 

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    Foreign Ministry issued a clarification on the execution of 50 Iraqis in 1991 Empty Deputy: We will not stop the murder of Iraqis in Kuwait and we will work on internationalization

    Post by Rocky Sun 16 Dec 2018, 7:02 am

    Deputy: We will not stop the murder of Iraqis in Kuwait and we will work on internationalization

    14:52 - 16/12/2018

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    (AFP) - Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Khalid Al-Jarallah said on Sunday that the Iraqi people will not be held accountable for the murder of Iraqis in Kuwait. 
    "Al-Jarallah's statements are the first Kuwaiti official recognition that the Kuwaiti authorities committed the massacre," Nassif said in a statement. "This is a good step that will shorten the time to make the UN open this file and investigate it and then issue its decisions against Kuwait. "As for his claim that the victims are not Iraqis, he tries to cover the sun with sieve."
    She added that "the Kuwaitis cracked our heads with the file of missing the illusionists who do not exist, and took arbitrary compensation from the strength of the Iraqi people and with the help of corrupt who seized bribes from them, and today found themselves in a narrow corner after the disclosure of this crime, which will not be silent and we will be internationalized and ask for compensation for families The victims and Iraq as a public right. " 
    Nassif confirmed that "the testimony of the Kuwaiti policeman to the massacre by the authorities of his country against 50 Iraqis documented the image and sound, and the speech is clear and unambiguous and will be this recording among the evidence that will be placed at the table of the United Nations, and if the neighbor accused this policeman that he is ignorant of their nationalities Iraqi dialect Well known and the first to know them are the Kuwaitis. " 
    It is noteworthy that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs submitted on Monday a memorandum of clarification to the Kuwaiti side on what was revealed recently, about the killing of 50 Iraqi residents in Kuwait, following the former regime forces in 1991.
    A Kuwaiti police officer revealed in a television interview that a senior official of Kuwait's Interior Ministry issued an order to kill 50 Iraqi citizens who were living in Kuwait after the Saddam invasion and the withdrawal of former regime forces. Ending / 25

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    Foreign Ministry issued a clarification on the execution of 50 Iraqis in 1991 Empty Iraq demands to provide satellite images of the sites of the remains of the missing in the Gulf War

    Post by Rocky Sun 16 Dec 2018, 7:19 am

    Iraq demands to provide satellite images of the sites of the remains of the missing in the Gulf War

    Sunday, 16 December

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    The Iraqi Foreign Ministry announced on Sunday that Iraq is seeking to provide technical support and provide satellite images of the sites of the remains of the tripartite committee for missing persons, Kuwaiti prisoners and missing Iraqis during the 1991 Gulf War . 

    "Iraq participated in the meetings of the Tripartite Commission No. (47) for the affairs of the missing and the Kuwaiti prisoners and the missing Iraqis during the Gulf War 1991, which was held in the Kuwaiti capital for the period 11-13 / 12/2018," the ministry said in a statement received by Alsumaria News.
    "The meeting was held under the chairmanship of the International Committee of the Red Cross and the membership of the Iraqi and Kuwaiti sides, in addition to the representatives of the countries of the United States of America, Britain , France and Saudi Arabia, " the ministry said . To the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI). " 

    "Iraq has stressed the importance of providing technical support from the United States, Britain, France and the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq to provide it with satellite images of sites for the existence of remains, technology and equipment for drilling more than five meters deep, which facilitates identification and disclosure of fate And thus closed this file permanently. "

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    Foreign Ministry issued a clarification on the execution of 50 Iraqis in 1991 Empty Iraq confirms the importance of providing images of satellite sites of the remains of missing from t

    Post by Rocky Sun 16 Dec 2018, 8:12 am


    Iraq confirms the importance of providing images of satellite sites of the remains of missing from the Gulf War

    [rtl]Date of release:: 2018/12/16 16:17 • 63 times read[/rtl]
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    Iraq has stressed the importance of providing technical support from the United States, Britain, France and the UNAMI mission to provide satellite images of the sites of the remains of missing persons during the 1991 Gulf War.
    "Iraq participated in the meetings of the Tripartite Commission No. 47 for the affairs of the missing and the Kuwaiti prisoners and the missing Iraqis during the Gulf War 1991, which was held in the Kuwaiti capital for the period 11-13 / 12/2018," a foreign ministry statement said. 

    He added, "Iraq represented at this meeting the Undersecretary for Legal Affairs and Multilateral Relations Ambassador Hazem Al-Youssafi. The meeting was held under the chairmanship of the International Committee of the Red Cross and the membership of the Iraqi and Kuwaiti sides in addition to representatives of the United States, Britain, France, To the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) ". 
    "The results of the excavation in the areas of Iraq were reviewed and the results reached in this file were highlighted."
    "The importance of providing technical support from the United States, Britain, France and the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) to provide Iraq with satellite images of the sites of the remains, technology and equipment needed to dig more than five meters deep, which facilitates the identification and detection of fate Missing and thus closed this file permanently. "Finished

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