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    A deputy carrying Abdul Mahdi and the decision block pass the district without informing the council

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    A deputy carrying Abdul Mahdi and the decision block pass the district without informing the council Empty A deputy carrying Abdul Mahdi and the decision block pass the district without informing the council

    Post by Rocky Mon 31 Dec 2018, 6:31 am

    A deputy carrying Abdul Mahdi and the decision block pass the district without informing the council against the background of her family

    11:25 - 31/12/2018

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    Information / Baghdad ..
    A member of the Parliamentary Education Committee on the Reform Coalition Raad Al-Makassousi Monday, the Prime Minister and the decision bloc nominated the Minister of Education Shaima Al-Hayali and pass it within the House of Representatives without informing the Council against the background of her family.
    "Most of the reform coalition deputies did not vote in favor of the candidate, they reserved and demanded a recount, but the president of the council, Mohammed al-Halbousi, passed on it with one word," al-Mukassousi said in a statement to al-Maalouma.
    He added that the prime minister and the decision bloc bear the responsibility of nominating al-Hayali for this post, as well as loading the president of the Council for his insistence not to appeal to the request of deputies to restore several votes. Ending / 25

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    A deputy carrying Abdul Mahdi and the decision block pass the district without informing the council Empty Deputy national axis: Abdul Mahdi and the dagger forward to the parliamentary district without a sec

    Post by Rocky Mon 31 Dec 2018, 6:59 am

    Deputy national axis: Abdul Mahdi and the dagger forward to the parliamentary district without a security report
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    BAGHDAD / The deputy of the national axis, Mahasen Hamdoun, on Monday, that Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi and Khamis Khanjar are responsible for the Minister of Education Shaima Hayali because they submitted to parliament without a detailed security report.
    "It was supposed to Abdul Mahdi and the dagger to provide a detailed security report on the district to parliament to avoid falling into these problems and not only a security statement for the minister," Hamdoun told Iraq News.
    She pointed out that "the security record of the neighborhood does not have forms, but her brother has a link with Daash, and this must be checked before granting the post."
    It is noteworthy that Education Minister Shaima Hayali announced yesterday that she is resigning from her position to the Prime Minister on the background of the disclosure of her brother's affiliation to the terrorist gangs Da'ash. "
    Al-Hayali's case was preceded by accusations of the Minister of Youth and Sports Ahmed al-Obeidi of belonging to al-Qaeda terrorist organization in the district of Latifiya, while deputies demanded the dismissal of al-Obeidi against the backdrop of these charges.

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    A deputy carrying Abdul Mahdi and the decision block pass the district without informing the council Empty the victory coalition: the official protection of Abdul Mahdi attacked the house of slaves and stor

    Post by Rocky Mon 31 Dec 2018, 7:04 am

    the victory coalition: the official protection of Abdul Mahdi attacked the house of slaves and stormed[/size]

    the victory coalition: the official protection of Abdul Mahdi attacked the house of slaves and stormed[/size]

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     3 hours ago

    The leader of the "coalition of victory" Ali al-Sunaid on Monday for what he called an "attack" on the protection of Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi on the home of the coalition leader former federal prime minister Haider Abadi in the heavily fortified Green Zone in Baghdad.

    The Green Zone includes the Council of Ministers, the Parliament as well as the embassies and diplomatic missions in Iraq and enjoys tight security.

    The leader of the coalition Ali al-Sunaid, told Ashqaf News that "the official of the protection of Abdul Mahdi, called" Azad ", acted in a cowardly manner and attributed to Abdul Mahdi how he agrees that he is responsible for his protection acting, attacked the house of Abbadi and stormed him, although Abadi a month and a half handed over his residence , With the knowledge of the Speaker of the House of Representatives Mohammed Halbusi. "

    He explained that "the incursion took place not with the presence of Abbadi. He left the headquarters for a long time, but the protection of the slave returned to the headquarters because there are some purposes belonging to Abadi and they went to fetch it. When they go, the headquarters is closed and protected. "He said.

    The leader of the victory coalition that "the lack of control of Abdul-Mahdi on the protection of the official, puts many question marks and large, how will control the situation of the country."

    Media sources said earlier in the day that the presidential regiment had come from his residence in the Green Zone.


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    A deputy carrying Abdul Mahdi and the decision block pass the district without informing the council Empty Al-Nasr issues a statement on Al-Abbadi's home in Green

    Post by Rocky Mon 31 Dec 2018, 7:08 am

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    Al-Nasr issues a statement on Al-Abbadi's home in Green
    The Al-Nasr coalition on Monday issued a statement on what it described as an "attack" on the protection of Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi on the home of coalition leader Haydar al-Abadi in the Green Zone.
    The leader of the coalition Ali al-Sunaid, said in the statement that "the official protection of Abdul Mahdi, called (Azad), acted in a cowardly manner, as he assaulted the house of Abbadi and stormed him, although Abadi handed over a month and a half ago his residence, the knowledge of Speaker of the House of Representatives Mohammed Halbusi.
    "Abadi was not present at the time of the intrusion. He left the headquarters for a long time. His protection only returned to the headquarters to bring some of the objects belonging to Abadi. When they left, they found the headquarters closed and prevented the existing protection from entering anyone by order."
    "The lack of control of Abdul-Mahdi on the protection of the official, puts many question marks and large, how will control the status of the country."
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    A deputy carrying Abdul Mahdi and the decision block pass the district without informing the council Empty The "Al-Nasr" coalition illustrates the fact that Abadi was removed from the fortified area of ​​Bag

    Post by Rocky Mon 31 Dec 2018, 7:10 am

    [size=17]The "Al-Nasr" coalition illustrates the fact that Abadi was removed from the fortified area of ​​Baghdad

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    The leader of the coalition, "victory" Hassan al-Sunaid on Monday, what was circulated about the removal of the presidential regiment [url= %D8%A7%D9%84%D9%88%D8%B2%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%A1][size=13]of[/url] former [url= %D8%A7%D9%84%D9%88%D8%B2%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%A1]Prime Minister [/url][url= %D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%AF%D9%8A]Haidar Abadi[/url] from his residence in the heavily fortified Green Zone in Baghdad. 

    The Green Zone includes the Council of Ministers, the Parliament as well as the embassies and diplomatic missions in Iraq and enjoys tight security. 

    The leader of the coalition Ali al-Sunaid, "The news that talked about removing Abadi from the Green Zone, is incorrect, and there are no such calls or movement from the ground." 

    Al-Sunaid said that "these rumors are broadcast by parties seeking to overthrow Abbadi, as a person who has achieved successes and proved to be a statesman, with his uniform working with all political and international parties, so we see such false rumors from time to time."

    Media sources said earlier in the day that the presidential regiment 

    had come from his residence in the Green Zone.

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    A deputy carrying Abdul Mahdi and the decision block pass the district without informing the council Empty Coalition victory: the official protection of Abdul Mahdi, broke into the house of slaves and assaul

    Post by Rocky Mon 31 Dec 2018, 7:12 am

    Coalition victory: the official protection of Abdul Mahdi, broke into the house of slaves and assaulted him

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    Leader of the "coalition of victory , " Ali Sinead, Monday, December 31, 2018 for "attack" official revealed to protect Prime [url= %D8%A7%D9%84%D9%88%D8%B2%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%A1]Minister[/url] Adel Abdul Mahdi , on the home of the coalition leader, former Prime Minister [url= %D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%AF%D9%8A]Haider al - Abadi[/url] in the Green Zone.
    Al-Sunaid said in a press statement that "the official of the protection of Abdul Mahdi, called (Azad), acted in a cowardly way, as he assaulted the house of Abbadi and stormed him, although Abadi handed over a month and a half ago his residence, with the knowledge of the Speaker of the House of Representatives Mohammed Halbusi."
    "Abadi was not present at the time of the intrusion. He had left the headquarters for a long time, and his protection only returned to the headquarters to bring some of the objects belonging to Abadi, and when they went, they found the headquarters closed and prevented the existing protection from entering anyone by order of Azad."
    The leader of [url= %D8%A7%D9%84%D9%86%D8%B5%D8%B1]the victory coalition[/url] that "the lack of control of Abdul-Mahdi on the protection of the official, puts many question marks and large, how will control the status of the country."

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    A deputy carrying Abdul Mahdi and the decision block pass the district without informing the council Empty Abdul-Mahdi's security official takes over Abbadi's house after storming

    Post by Rocky Mon 31 Dec 2018, 7:19 am

    [size=36]Abdul-Mahdi's security official takes over Abbadi's house after storming[/size]

    02:06 - 31/12/2018

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    BAGHDAD - Mawazine News 
    The leader of the victory coalition, Ali al-Sunaid, on Monday, the attack on the protection of Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi on the home of coalition leader former Prime Minister Haider Abadi in the Green Zone. 
    Al-Sunaid, in a statement received by Mawazine News, said that "Abd al-Mahdi, who is called" Azad ", acted in a reckless manner by attacking the Abbadi's house and breaking into it, although Abadi a month and a half ago gave up his residence with the knowledge of Speaker of Parliament Mohammed Al- , Mirdfa: "We have to Abdul Mahdi, how to agree that he is responsible for his protection acting like such behavior." 
    He said, "The incursion took place not with the presence of Abbadi. He left the headquarters for a long time, but the protection of Abbadi returned to the headquarters because there are some purposes that belong to the Abbadi and they went to fetch them. When they go, the headquarters are locked and protected. Azad. "
    The leader of the victory, that "the lack of control of Abdul-Mahdi to the protection of the official, puts many question marks and large, how will control the situation of the country." Ended 29 / a 43

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