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    Newspaper: Trump decided during his visit to Iraq to extend the period of withdrawal from Syria

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    Newspaper: Trump decided during his visit to Iraq to extend the period of withdrawal from Syria Empty Newspaper: Trump decided during his visit to Iraq to extend the period of withdrawal from Syria

    Post by Rocky Tue 01 Jan 2019, 2:22 am

    Newspaper: Trump decided during his visit to Iraq to extend the period of withdrawal from Syria

    09:12 - 01/01/2019

    Newspaper: Trump decided during his visit to Iraq to extend the period of withdrawal from Syria %D8%B3%D8%A8%D9%84%D9%82-696x435
    Information / Baghdad ..
    The New York Times reported a well-informed source that US President Donald Trump had agreed to extend the withdrawal of the US military from Syria to four months during his recent visit to Iraq.
    During his recent visit to Iraq, Trump talked about this, and talked privately with General Paul Lacamira, commander of the military operation against Da'ash.
    Donald Trump promised to provide several months for US military to implement the withdrawal from Syria.
    Earlier, President Donald Trump announced that the withdrawal of his troops from Syria is at a low pace, praising his personal role in the fight against the organization "Daash."
    "Syria was in a state of chaos with a flourishing spread in its territory when I came to power," Trump wrote on his Twitter account on Monday. "If anyone did, what I did in Syria ... to get the title of national hero."
    Trump stressed that his decision to withdraw US troops from Syria came in line with the promises made during his campaign, criticizing what he called "false news in the media."
    On December 19, the White House announced that the United States had begun withdrawing its troops from Syrian territory

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    Newspaper: Trump decided during his visit to Iraq to extend the period of withdrawal from Syria Empty Trump gives the US military 4 months to implement the controversial decision

    Post by Rocky Tue 01 Jan 2019, 2:39 am

    Trump gives the US military 4 months to implement the controversial decision[/size]
    Newspaper: Trump decided during his visit to Iraq to extend the period of withdrawal from Syria 580%20(1)

     Twilight News    

     one hour ago

    The New York Times quoted administration officials as saying that President Donald Trump had given the US military four months to withdraw troops from Syria.
    Trump said earlier that US troops would carry out a slow withdrawal from Syria.
    The US president's decision to set a date for the withdrawal and slow down of the troops came after Trump contacts with some of the parties in Washington. 
    The decision also came after Trump heard his visit to US troops in Iraq to military leaders who expressed concern about the reflection of the acceleration of withdrawal within Iraq in the fight against state organization, after the US president set 30 days for the withdrawal of these forces.
    Trump said in a tweet on Monday that he was the only person who could talk about the return of these troops after achieving a major victory. "If anyone else did what he did in Syria, which was full of the chaos of state organization when he became president, he would become a national hero."
    The remnants of the state organization 
    Trump pointed out that the organization of the state has mostly disappeared, and that US troops will slowly return home to join the members of their families, adding that the battle with remnants of the organization will continue.
    The US president surprised even his allies when he announced on December 19 that he would withdraw the US troops deployed in Syria, numbering about a thousand troops, on the pretext that the Syrian state has already been defeated.
    But Trump's decision was met with criticism from Western allies similar to France. He also angered the Kurdish People's Protection Forces, which form the strength of Syria's democratic forces that control large areas in northeastern Syria and Chen for months - supported by the international coalition - In Deir Ezzor countryside.
    In a related context, a senior Israeli official said that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will ask US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to slow the US withdrawal from Syria, according to Bloomberg reported.
    The Israeli official said that President Trump had agreed to a request from Netanyahu to withdraw US troops from Syria gradually. He said Netanyahu would meet the US Secretary of State Tuesday in Brazil to discuss the matter on the sidelines of the inauguration ceremony of Brazilian President-elect Javier Paulsonaro.

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    Newspaper: Trump decided during his visit to Iraq to extend the period of withdrawal from Syria Empty Trump is ready to "slow down" the withdrawal of US troops from Syria

    Post by Rocky Tue 01 Jan 2019, 2:43 am

    Trump is ready to "slow down" the withdrawal of US troops from Syria[/size]
    Newspaper: Trump decided during his visit to Iraq to extend the period of withdrawal from Syria 1035006044

     Twilight News    

     Monday, 31 December 2018

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - US President Donald Trump has expressed his willingness to "slow down" the withdrawal of US troops from Syria in order to defeat an organization that is calling for a final deadline, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said Sunday.

    Graham, who had earlier expressed concern over Trump's decision, came out "reassured" after a lunch with the Republican billionaire. "The president is determined to ensure that the Da'ash organization is completely defeated when we leave Syria," he told reporters as he left the White House.

    "The president realizes we need to finish the job," Graham said.

    Earlier on Sunday, Graham called on Trump to reconsider his decision to withdraw US troops from Syria, to make sure that the organization would be "never coming back."

    Last week, the US president ordered the withdrawal of 2,000 US troops deployed in northern Syria, most of them special forces, to fight an organization that advocates and trains local forces in areas recaptured from the organization.

    "I will ask him to meet with his generals and reconsider how to do it, slow down, make sure we do it well, and that a supporter will never come back," said Graham, a former Tramb opponent who became a close associate of CNN. .

    Graham said he was "surprised" by Trump's decision, calling it a "big mistake".

    "We have to keep our soldiers there," he said. "If we go out now, the Kurds will be massacred." "If we give up the Kurds and be massacred, who will help us in the future?"

    Trump made his decision despite repeated warnings to US military officials of the risk of a hasty withdrawal from Syria that would have freed the allies of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Russia and Iran, in Syria.

    Nujaifi: the husband of the Minister of Education announced his repentance to a preacher in Mosul and handed him his weapon

    "The husband of Minister of Education Shaima al-Hayali has announced his repentance when he called and handed over his weapon to the hard-line organization in the city of Mosul," Athil al-Nujaifi, a leader of the ruling group and the brother of its leader Osama al-Nujaifi, said on Monday.

    "The mass (resolution) had nominated for its part the personalities of Nineveh, but what happened is that Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi exceeded our candidates, and sent to the parliament candidate of Mr. Khamis Al-Khanjar," Nujaifi was quoted as saying. Husband of the minister who was within the protection of Osama Nujaifi when he was speaker of the parliament. "

    "The minister's husband was a member of parliament with Osama Najafi, but when Nujaifi became Vice President of the Republic in 2014 did not keep him in his group because of his return to Mosul and the announcement of repentance and hand over his weapon to (Daash).

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    Newspaper: Trump decided during his visit to Iraq to extend the period of withdrawal from Syria Empty New York Times: Trump extended the withdrawal period from Syria to 4 months

    Post by Rocky Tue 01 Jan 2019, 2:49 am

    New York Times: Trump extended the withdrawal period from Syria to 4 months

    Newspaper: Trump decided during his visit to Iraq to extend the period of withdrawal from Syria Irq_506957995_1546323395

    WASHINGTON - US President Donald Trump has agreed to extend the US military withdrawal from Syria to four months, the New York Times reported, quoting an informed source.

    During his recent visit to Iraq, Trump talked about this, and talked privately with General Paul Lacamira, commander of the military operation against Da'ash.

    Donald Trump promised to provide several months for US military to implement the withdrawal from Syria.

    Earlier, President Donald Trump announced that the withdrawal of his troops from Syria is at a low pace, praising his personal role in the fight against the organization "Daash."

    "Syria was in a state of chaos with a flourishing spread in its territory when I came to power," Trump wrote on his Twitter account on Monday. "If anyone did, what I did in Syria ... to get the title of national hero."

    Trump stressed that his decision to withdraw US troops from Syria came in line with the promises made during his campaign, criticizing what he called "false news in the media."

    On December 19, the White House announced that the United States had begun withdrawing its troops from Syrian territory. Finished

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    Newspaper: Trump decided during his visit to Iraq to extend the period of withdrawal from Syria Empty Re: Newspaper: Trump decided during his visit to Iraq to extend the period of withdrawal from Syria

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