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    Parliamentary Finance: budget deficit in 2014 and placebo

    Admin Assist
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    Parliamentary Finance: budget deficit in 2014 and placebo Empty Parliamentary Finance: budget deficit in 2014 and placebo

    Post by Rocky Thu 13 Feb 2014, 4:18 am

    Parliamentary Finance: budget deficit in 2014 and placebo

    02/12/2014 13:46:00

    Najeebeh Najib: My guess, and the shortfall is not real

    Approved by the parliamentary Finance Committee Najeebeh Najib, the existence of a budget deficit by 23 trillion and 700 billion Iraqi dinars, and before that the Federal Council of Ministers issued a decision to lift the roof of the petro-dollar allocations from one dollar to $ 5.
    She Najeebeh Najib, in a statement to PUKmedia, today Wednesday, 12/02/2014, that "after adjusting the article on petro-dollars and increased its allocations from 1 to $ 5 per barrel of product per barrel repeater and 150 per cubic meter, the total is calculated by approximately 7 trillion and 300 billion Iraqi dinars, and thus increased the proportion of the deficit and the deficit ratio rose to 30 trillion Iraqi dinars. "
    With regard to allocations of retirement, the MP said in the House of Representatives: "These allocations earmarked in the draft budget law when the federal government sent to parliament."
    It showed the MP, that "there are paragraphs have been added by the Parliament addressed by transfers and that work is underway between the Finance Committee and the government prosecutors and the Committee of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers to cover expenses, which will cost the budget through the paragraphs that have been added to them."
    She added, "It is possible to address the lump-sum transfers by conducting monitoring or other amounts for retirees who have not reached their service period to 15 years."
    She drew MP Najiba Najib, that "the deficit in the Iraqi state in most cases, is the inability of an imaginary and speculative and not true because the deficit comes through quotient subtract expenses from revenues and as expenses not disbursed 100% means that the percentage of completion of the operating expenses of investment is not 100% So also, the percentage of the deficit not be in this vein in addition to the installer that the price per barrel of oil for $ 90 but is being sold in international markets at a rate of 111 and 112 dollars, which is enough proof that the deficit is not a real ".
    It also said a member of the parliamentary Finance Committee: "that in the event of a deficit in the budget, it is there agreement between the federal government and the International Monetary Fund to support the budget and cover the deficit if it happens at $ 4 billion and 500 million dollars, in addition to the Special Drawing Rights of the Federal Ministry of Finance to cover the deficit" , noting, "there is provision in the budget that was granted in 2014 by which the federal government to take loans from local banks to fill any deficit or any monitoring of investment projects."
    Joseph PUKmedia gift / special

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