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    Rafidain continues to grant housing loans and reveals the reason for the suspension of 100 salaries

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    Rafidain continues to grant housing loans and reveals the reason for the suspension of 100 salaries Empty Rafidain continues to grant housing loans and reveals the reason for the suspension of 100 salaries

    Post by Rocky Tue 08 Jan 2019, 1:42 am


    Rafidain continues to grant housing loans and reveals the reason for the suspension of 100 salaries

    [rtl]Editorial Date: 2019/1/8 9:05 • 264 times read[/rtl]
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    {Baghdad: Al-Furat News} Rafidain Bank, announced the continuation of granting loans to buy housing units in investment projects.
    The bank's information office said in a statement received by the agency {Euphrates News} a copy of housing loans, "according to the controls on the basis of 100 nominal salary and does not exceed the maximum of 75 million dinars for local employees salaries and 40 million dinars for citizens." 
    He added that "the bank grants loans in the protection of housing and interest at 4 percent per annum, in addition to the grant of construction loan to citizens up to 50 million after the provision of collateral for residential land not less than 200 square meters." 
    The statement pointed out that "the suspension of granting loans to 100 employees of the state departments came because of the high risk to the bank and not to achieve the goal by the beneficiaries."

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    Rafidain continues to grant housing loans and reveals the reason for the suspension of 100 salaries Empty Al-Rafidain announces its continuation by granting housing purchase loans

    Post by Rocky Tue 08 Jan 2019, 2:01 am

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    [size=32]Al-Rafidain announces its continuation by granting housing purchase loans[/size]

    [rtl]1 views[/rtl]

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    [rtl]Rafidain Bank announced on Tuesday that it continues to grant loans to purchase housing units in investment projects.[/rtl]

    [rtl]The bank's information office said in a statement that it was "continuing to grant loans to purchase residential units in investment projects according to the controls on the basis of 100 nominal salary, and not exceed the maximum of 75 million dinars for local employees salaries and 40 million dinars for citizens."[/rtl]

    [rtl]He added that "the bank grants loans in the compound of Basmaya housing and interest at 4% per annum, in addition to the grant of a construction loan to citizens up to 50 million after the provision of housing for housing land not less than 200 square meters."[/rtl]

    [rtl]The statement pointed out that "the suspension of granting loans to 100 employees of the state departments came because of the high risk on the bank and the failure to achieve the goal by the beneficiaries."[/rtl]

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    Rafidain continues to grant housing loans and reveals the reason for the suspension of 100 salaries Empty Al-Rafidain announces its continuation by granting loans for the purchase of residential units

    Post by Rocky Tue 08 Jan 2019, 2:15 am


    Al-Rafidain announces its continuation by granting loans for the purchase of residential units

    [ltr][rtl]_NEWS_DATE: 2019/1/8 9:23[/rtl] ?? AÂ ¢ ?? A ??? ¢ [rtl]86 times read[/rtl][/ltr]
    [ltr][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Al-Rafidain Bank announced that it will continue to grant loans to purchase residential units in investment projects.
    The bank's information office said in a statement that the granting of housing loans "according to the controls on the basis of 100 nominal salary and does not exceed the upper limit of 75 million dinars for local employees salaries and 40 million dinars for citizens." 
    He added that "the bank grants loans in the protection of housing and interest at 4 percent per annum, in addition to the grant of construction loan to citizens up to 50 million after the provision of collateral for residential land not less than 200 square meters." 
    The statement pointed out that "the suspension of the granting of loans 100 salaries for employees of the State Departments came because of the high risk to the bank and not to achieve the goal by the beneficiaries." 

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    Rafidain continues to grant housing loans and reveals the reason for the suspension of 100 salaries Empty Rafidain announces its continuation by granting loans to purchase housing units for citizens and

    Post by Rocky Tue 08 Jan 2019, 2:24 am

    Rafidain announces its continuation by granting loans to purchase housing units for citizens and employees

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    Rafidain Bank announced, on Tuesday, continued to grant loans to purchase housing units in investment projects, according to the controls announced earlier.
    The bank's information office said in a statement received by Al-Iqtisad News that the controls are "based on (100) nominal salary and not exceed the maximum of (75) million dinars for local employees salaries and (40) million dinars for citizens." 
    He added that "the bank grants loans in the protection of housing and interest at 4 percent annually, in addition to the granting of a construction loan to citizens up to (50) million after the provision of housing for a residential land not less than 200 m 2. 

    The statement stressed that "stop granting loans 100 salaries for employees of the State Departments came because of the high risk to the bank and not to achieve the goal by the beneficiaries."

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    Rafidain continues to grant housing loans and reveals the reason for the suspension of 100 salaries Empty Al-Rafidain announces its continuation by granting housing purchase loans

    Post by Rocky Tue 08 Jan 2019, 2:44 am

    Al-Rafidain announces its continuation by granting housing purchase loans

    09:20 - 08/01/2019

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    Information / Baghdad ..
    Al-Rafidain Bank announced on Tuesday that it will continue to grant loans for the purchase of housing units in investment projects according to the regulations based on (100) nominal salary and not exceed the maximum limit of (75) million dinars for local employees salaries and (40) million dinars for citizens.
    The bank's information office said in a statement received by Al-Maaloumah that the bank is granting loans in the form of housing protection at a rate of 4 percent annually. In addition, the construction loan to citizens up to (50) million after the provision of housing collateral for a residential land not less than 200 m 2.
    The statement added that "the suspension of the granting of loans 100 salaries for employees of the State Department came because of the high risk on the bank and the failure to achieve the goal by the beneficiaries." Ending / 25 d

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    Rafidain continues to grant housing loans and reveals the reason for the suspension of 100 salaries Empty Announcement of the granting of loans to purchase housing units for employees and citizens

    Post by Rocky Tue 08 Jan 2019, 3:13 am

    Announcement of the granting of loans to purchase housing units for employees and citizens[/size]
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     2 hours ago

    Al-Rafidain Bank announced that it will continue to grant loans for the purchase of housing units in investment projects according to the regulations based on (100) nominal salary and not exceed the maximum limit of (75) million dinars for local employees salaries and (40) million dinars for citizens. 
    The bank's information office said in a statement that the bank is granting loans in the protection of housing and interest at 4 percent annually. In addition, the construction loan to citizens up to (50) million after the provision of housing bonds for residential land not less than 200 m 2. 
    The statement pointed out that the suspension of granting loans 100 salaries to employees of the State Department came because of the high risk to the bank and the failure to achieve the goal by the beneficiaries.


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    Rafidain continues to grant housing loans and reveals the reason for the suspension of 100 salaries Empty Al-Rafidain announces its continuation by granting housing purchase loans

    Post by Rocky Tue 08 Jan 2019, 3:20 am

    Al-Rafidain announces its continuation by granting housing purchase loans
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Baghdad / ... Rafidain Bank, on Tuesday, for continuing to grant loans to buy housing units in investment projects.
    The bank's information office said in a statement received by "Iraq News" that it "continues to grant loans to purchase residential units in investment projects according to the controls on the basis of 100 nominal salary, and not exceed the maximum of 75 million dinars for local employees salaries and 40 million dinars for citizens."
    He added that "the bank grants loans in the compound of Basmaya housing and interest at 4% per annum, in addition to the grant of a construction loan to citizens up to 50 million after the provision of housing for housing land not less than 200 square meters."
    The statement pointed out that "the suspension of the granting of loans 100 salaries for employees of the State Departments came because of the high risk on the bank and not to achieve the goal by the beneficiaries."

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    Rafidain continues to grant housing loans and reveals the reason for the suspension of 100 salaries Empty Rafidain Bank announces the continuation of granting loans for the purchase of residential units

    Post by Rocky Tue 08 Jan 2019, 3:45 am

    Rafidain Bank announces the continuation of granting loans for the purchase of residential units

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    Rafidain Bank announced on Tuesday that it continues to grant loans to purchase housing units in investment projects. 
     The bank's information office said in a statement that it "continues to grant loans to purchase housing units in investment projects according to the controls on the basis of 100 nominal salary and not exceed the maximum of 75 million dinars to the employees of the national salaries and 40 million dinars for citizens." 
    He added that "the bank grants loans in the compound of Basmaya housing and interest at 4% per annum, in addition to the granting of a construction loan to citizens up to 50 million after the provision of housing for housing land not less than 200 square meters." 
    The statement pointed out that "the suspension of granting loans to 100 employees of the state departments came because of the high risk on the bank and the failure to achieve the goal by the beneficiaries." 

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    Rafidain continues to grant housing loans and reveals the reason for the suspension of 100 salaries Empty Re: Rafidain continues to grant housing loans and reveals the reason for the suspension of 100 salaries

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