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    Iraq and Turkey agree to raise trade volume to 20 billion dollars

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Iraq and Turkey agree to raise trade volume to 20 billion dollars Empty Iraq and Turkey agree to raise trade volume to 20 billion dollars

    Post by Rocky Fri 11 Jan 2019, 12:09 pm

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    Iraq and Turkey agree to raise trade volume to 20 billion dollars

    Turkish Ambassador to Iraq Fatih Yildiz said his country aims to raise the volume of trade with Iraq to 20 billion dollars.
    This came during a press conference held by Yildiz in Baghdad on Thursday, during which he touched on the relations between the fat, and the visit of Iraqi President Barham Salih last week to Turkey. 
    Yildiz said: "The goal in the volume of trade between the two countries is 20 billion dollars in the first phase (..) There is no objection to raising them to double in the event of lifting obstacles to trade." 
    Yildiz pointed out that the double taxation imposed by Baghdad is the biggest obstacle to trade between the two countries. 
    He pointed out that President Barham Salih, during his recent visit to Ankara last week, that his country will stop implementing this procedure.
    The double tax is referred to as the double tax collection on goods coming from Turkey and passing through the territory of northern Iraq, where the Territory receives an entry tax, and in order to move goods from it to the rest of the Iraqi provinces, Baghdad gets another tax.
    The ambassador said that the two countries have special relations, and that Ankara's priority towards Baghdad is to preserve Iraq's unity and territorial integrity and preserve its security. 
    He stressed that his country is waiting for the new Iraqi government, access through comprehensive policies to all segments of the country.

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