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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Jordanian Economic Delegation Discusses Reconstruction of Syria in Damascus

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277353
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Jordanian Economic Delegation Discusses Reconstruction of Syria in Damascus Empty Jordanian Economic Delegation Discusses Reconstruction of Syria in Damascus

    Post by Rocky Fri 18 Jan 2019, 6:05 am

    Jordanian Economic Delegation Discusses Reconstruction of Syria in Damascus

    11:16 - 18/01/2019

    Jordanian Economic Delegation Discusses Reconstruction of Syria in Damascus 5c40f84095a59744298b462e-696x392
    Information / Baghdad ..
    Syrian People's Assembly Speaker Hamouda Sabbagh discussed with a delegation representing the Jordanian Contractors Association the cooperation between the unions of the two countries in the stage of reconstruction in the country.
    Sabbagh stressed to the Jordanian delegation the importance of the role of the delegations of trade unions, parties and Arab organizations that visit Syria in clarifying the truth of the atrocities committed by the Syrian people by armed terrorist organizations with the support and funding of Western and regional.
    Sabbagh expressed his hope to strengthen cooperation between the Syrian and Jordanian unions in the stage of reconstruction of what has been destroyed by terrorism infrastructure, pointing out that Syria is now closer than ever before the declaration of the final victory over terrorism.
    For his part, the Jordanian Contractors Chairman Ahmed Al-Yaqoub said that Jordan and Syria are one body and what has hit the Syrian people as a result of terrorism has had great repercussions and repercussions on his country, expressing the hope that relations between the two countries will be restored to the previous era.
    He pointed out that the delegation was briefed on proposals and programs related to investment projects in Syria, stressing the formation of a joint committee between the boards of the Syrian and Jordanian contractors' unions to lay out a joint agreement between them.
    For his part, drew the head of the Syrian contractors Mohammed Ramadan to continue the union with the presidency of the Arab Contractors Union in order to arrange the General Conference of Arab Contractors this year in Damascus.

      Current date/time is Thu 12 Sep 2024, 1:02 am