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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Communications accuses Etherlink of smuggling Internet capacity

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277271
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Communications accuses Etherlink of smuggling Internet capacity Empty Communications accuses Etherlink of smuggling Internet capacity

    Post by Rocky Sat 02 Feb 2019, 1:46 am


    Communications accuses Etherlink of smuggling Internet capacity

    [ltr][rtl]_NEWS_DATE: 2019/2/1 19:28[/rtl] ?? AÂ ¢ ?? A ??? ¢ [rtl]767 times set[/rtl][/ltr]
    [ltr][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    The Ministry of Communications denied on Friday that some media outlets were accusing one of its contracting companies of being involved in the smuggling of Internet capacity in Kirkuk or through the port of Al-Mundhiriya to Symphony-Atlantic.
    "It is keen on the strategy of joint work and commitment to the terms of contract with those companies in which some of them try to raise problems and rhythm between the ministry and Internet companies," a ministry statement said. 
    The Ministry of Communications confirmed that the Ministry of Communications will announce to the media and public opinion the names of entities and companies involved in the smuggling of capacity when completing the procedures and proving the implication of those involved, and will take all the legal and administrative procedures at the time. The Ministry of Communications calls on all media to be accurate in transmitting the news and information from its main sources, . 
    "The ministry has taken a number of important steps and decisions to control smuggling attempts, improve the quality of the Internet and reduce the price of capacity [by a quarter], and intends to open the fields to all large and small companies to enter the Internet capacity within the cover of the Ministry of Communications."

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277271
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Communications accuses Etherlink of smuggling Internet capacity Empty The deputy of the amounts obtained from the theft of Internet capacities in Iraq is equivalent to t

    Post by Rocky Sat 02 Feb 2019, 3:30 am

    The deputy of the amounts obtained from the theft of Internet capacities in Iraq is equivalent to the budget of countries

    Saturday 2 February

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    revealed a member of the Services Committee and Construction Parliamentary Huda carpet on Saturday for the allocation of the House of Representatives KD 19 billion within the budget to create gates to control the flow of information and stop data theft, while considered that the amounts obtained from stealing capacities online in Iraq , equivalent to the budget states. 

    Sajjad said in an interview for Alsumaria News, "The thefts of Internet capacity exists and from several places, as there are thefts from the port of Kirkuk and there is smuggling for sixty-seven for a period, and there are thefts get from the port of Al-Mundhiriya up to 100 for a period," indicating that " For a month during the passage of the government is a million dollars and the size of this theft, it is equivalent to annually budget of some countries. "

    "We have a clear quest to uncover these thefts, but there is no one who dares to open this file because most of them do not know the size of the imports and the money that can be obtained from this sector to support the country's budget," Sajjad said, adding that " There is the Supreme Security Committee for Communications Security headed by Faleh al-Fayadh. The committee has identified the gaps in the company and the committee stipulated that the company should not provide any cable except under the supervision of the committee and the representatives of the intelligence and national security, but what happened is that the company completed the extension of its cables without anyone knowing it. "

    "What is happening in communications is a waste of public money and a threat to the national security of information, and we have not found any country in the world to receive its optical cable for the private sector except for Iraq," she said. "The theft of capacity is with the collusion and knowledge of the former Minister of Communications. Professional with the matter and has the first priorities on the status of communication and the negative existing. " 

    "The House of Representatives within the budget of 2019 has allocated 19 billion dinars in order to establish access gates to control the flow of information and ensure the theft of any data and the protection of national security."

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