Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Finance: We will monitor the funds allocated to the governorates and places of disburs

    Admin Assist
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    Posts : 277102
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    Parliamentary Finance: We will monitor the funds allocated to the governorates and places of disburs Empty Parliamentary Finance: We will monitor the funds allocated to the governorates and places of disburs

    Post by Rocky Thu 21 Feb 2019, 3:35 am

    Parliamentary Finance: We will monitor the funds allocated to the governorates and places of disbursement

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]The head of the [url= %D8%A7%D9%84%D9%86%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%A9]Finance[/url] Committee Representative Haneen Qado, the committee's decision to follow up the funds allocated to the provinces and places of disbursement. 

    He said that the committee will host the governors and heads of [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]councils to find out their projects and achievement rates, especially that large sums have been allocated during the years preceding the provinces without the implementation of strategic projects because of financial corruption and side agreements as well as the selection of companies not eligible to authorize those projects. 

    He added that there are more than 60 strategic projects in progress in all [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] need to be completed within one year, noting that local governments will be given two years to complete about 59 new projects, adding that the completion of these projects would contribute to the improvement The reality of services provided to citizens.

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentary Finance: We will monitor the funds allocated to the governorates and places of disburs Empty Minister of Finance from Karbala: We will prove the contract employees

    Post by Rocky Thu 21 Feb 2019, 6:12 am

    Minister of Finance from Karbala: We will prove the contract employees

    12:39 - 21/02/2019

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    Information / Baghdad ..
    Minister of Finance Fuad Hussein confirmed on Thursday that the contract staff will be installed in international departments and ministries, pointing out that the ministry is looking at restructuring the work.
    "We discussed a number of projects in the province and solved some problems, and for the employees in the contracts, we will solve them by stabilizing them," Hussein told a news conference with Karbala governor Aqil al-Turaihi.
    "We have agreed with the governor of Karbala to encourage and interest the private sector to solve many problems and we have to rely on it and encourage it."
    "We are in the process of restructuring the work in all branches of the ministry and this process is in the direction of reform," Hussein said. Ending / 25
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    Parliamentary Finance: We will monitor the funds allocated to the governorates and places of disburs Empty Minister of Finance speaks from Karbala on resolving the issue of owners of contracts and confirms

    Post by Rocky Thu 21 Feb 2019, 6:23 am

    Minister of Finance speaks from Karbala on resolving the issue of owners of contracts and confirms: We saved money for electricity

    Thursday 21 February

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    , said Finance Minister Fuad Hussein, on Thursday, it has been resolved the issue of the owners of contracts, stressing that it has been providing funds to the Ministry of Electricity. 

    Hussein said in a press conference during his visit to the province of Karbala and his meeting with the governor Aqil al-Turaihi that "the issue of contract holders will be resolved on the nearby days through the installation." 

    "The ministry has provided sufficient funds to the Ministry of Electricity to solve the energy problem in Iraq, " Hussein said.

    "He is in the process of re-structuring the work in all branches of the ministry and this process in the direction of reform." 

    Hussein said that "the ministry agreed with the governor of Karbala to encourage the private sector and attention to solve many of the problems," explaining that "we must rely on and encourage." 

    Iraq is suffering from a significant shortage of electricity and the ministry has not yet been able to find a solution to it, while many of the owners of contracts have not been appointed to permanent owners, despite the passage of some of them on their contract for more than seven years.

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277102
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentary Finance: We will monitor the funds allocated to the governorates and places of disburs Empty Minister of Finance speaks from Karbala on resolving the issue of owners of contracts and confirms

    Post by Rocky Thu 21 Feb 2019, 6:23 am

    Minister of Finance speaks from Karbala on resolving the issue of owners of contracts and confirms: We saved money for electricity

    Thursday 21 February

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    , said Finance Minister Fuad Hussein, on Thursday, it has been resolved the issue of the owners of contracts, stressing that it has been providing funds to the Ministry of Electricity. 

    Hussein said in a press conference during his visit to the province of Karbala and his meeting with the governor Aqil al-Turaihi that "the issue of contract holders will be resolved on the nearby days through the installation." 

    "The ministry has provided sufficient funds to the Ministry of Electricity to solve the energy problem in Iraq, " Hussein said.

    "He is in the process of re-structuring the work in all branches of the ministry and this process in the direction of reform." 

    Hussein said that "the ministry agreed with the governor of Karbala to encourage the private sector and attention to solve many of the problems," explaining that "we must rely on and encourage." 

    Iraq is suffering from a significant shortage of electricity and the ministry has not yet been able to find a solution to it, while many of the owners of contracts have not been appointed to permanent owners, despite the passage of some of them on their contract for more than seven years.

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    Parliamentary Finance: We will monitor the funds allocated to the governorates and places of disburs Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance: We will monitor the funds allocated to the governorates and places of disburs

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