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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Nasif sent a letter to Abdul Mahdi on the inspectors general

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277718
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Nasif sent a letter to Abdul Mahdi on the inspectors general Empty Nasif sent a letter to Abdul Mahdi on the inspectors general

    Post by Rocky Sun 10 Mar 2019, 4:09 am

    Nasif sent a letter to Abdul Mahdi on the inspectors general

    10:37 - 10/03/2019

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    Information / Baghdad ..
    A member of the Committee on Integrity Parliamentary High Nassif, Sunday, Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, not to take the advice of some users in the system of Inspector General, "indicating that" most of the inspectors general partners corruption. "
    "The last 15 years are supposed to have been sufficient to assess the SIGIR system," Nassif said in a letter to Prime Minister Adel Abdulmahdi. Partners in corruption and acquisition of state real estate. "
    "Any law allowing the rotation of an inspector to be re-calculated for five years again? What law allows for the appointment of fourteen inspectors based on the law of the occupier Paul Bremer? Has the inspectors' law been legislated? "He said.
    "Where are your promises to integrate with the regulatory body in the most dangerous files? And how do you trust a corrupt and useful inspector and take his advice, which overlooked in a short period of the largest corruption in his ministry in return for the privileges of furnishing his home, which was allocated to him in the Green Zone? "He said.
    "What is happening in Iraq is a huge corruption that requires a real regulatory apparatus, not a media inspector," Nasif said. "We have agreed to build a solid administrative apparatus, while at the beginning of this, a corrupt and corrupt system will not be able to build your administrative apparatus." And the legislative authority to take a serious position and assess this serious issue. "

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