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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Faily: We reject the steps to sell factories and privatize them because they are wasting large sums

    Admin Assist
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    Faily: We reject the steps to sell factories and privatize them because they are wasting large sums  Empty Faily: We reject the steps to sell factories and privatize them because they are wasting large sums

    Post by Rocky Mon 11 Mar 2019, 6:09 pm

    Faily: We reject the steps to sell factories and privatize them because they are wasting large sums of money spent by the state on its production lines
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    BAGHDAD / MP Mazen al-Faily announced on Monday his rejection of the steps to sell state-owned factories under the title of "privatization" and forfeiting the state funds that were spent on the production lines of those factories and infrastructure, and the consequent threat to employees to disengage from work as traders And businessmen are counting their thinking on the elements of personal profit to them and do not care about the fate of employees of those factories and laboratories.
    Al-Faily said in a statement received by "Iraq News" that "the strangest of these steps is to give factories and companies profitable and equipped with production lines and infrastructure for investors (privatization) without spending anything, pointing out that" these trends raise suspicions of hidden deals between Traders and owners of capital and influential officials benefit from these decisions harmful to the national economy and cadres and long experience. "
    He pointed out that "the right direction to support the national industry and its contribution to maximize the revenues of the state is through the investment of the same companies affiliated to the Ministry of Industry and support with advanced equipment and modern production lines to be able to provide a national product that supports the budget revenues and provides employment opportunities for young people.
    He added that "the requirements of the independence of the national economic decision to develop national industries and products to constitute an alternative to the import and the need for foreign countries of basic goods and supplies for the market and the Iraqi citizen."
    "It is surprising that the percentage of profits allocated to traders involved in the privatization of these factories exceed two-thirds of the profits and what remains for the state," he said.
    He continued, "The investment that can be accepted is that the investor will bear the establishment of infrastructure and supply lines of production for the industrial project and the intervention of state companies with him on the basis of giving him the opportunity and land necessary to establish the project and the facilities required for the construction of the project.

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