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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Deputy demands Abdul Mahdi to show his position on the American violations against the popular crowd

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277718
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Deputy demands Abdul Mahdi to show his position on the American violations against the popular crowd Empty Deputy demands Abdul Mahdi to show his position on the American violations against the popular crowd

    Post by Rocky Mon 18 Mar 2019, 2:48 am

    Deputy demands Abdul Mahdi to show his position on the American violations against the popular crowd

    17:57 - 17/03/2019

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    Information / special ... 
    student MP alliance of reform is harmful Khazaal, Sunday, Prime Minister and Commander of the armed forces , Adel Abdul Mahdi , a statement on the government 's position of violations ofWashington's popular crowd, as he emphasized that the House of Representatives will respond to such violations during the vote on the output of foreign troops from the country . 
    Khazal said in a statement that "the government is obliged to break its silence towards Washington's recent violations of the popular mobilization by calling it sectarian forces," pointing out that "Abdul-Mahdi must take a courageous decision against Washington or the statement of the government's position in this regard" .
    He added that "the House of Representatives will respond to the violations of Washington, which has increased towards the popular mobilization and the security system and the sovereignty of the country through a vote on a draft law to remove foreign forces from the country, led by US forces," and called on "Abdul-Mahdi to respond to recent violations of the United States against popular mobilization and the statement of the position of the government "He said. 
    The official spokesman for the popular mobilization of the northern axis Ali al-Husseini, on Saturday, Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, recalling the US ambassador to Baghdad and handed over a note strongly needed on the description of Washington for the popular crowd (sectarian forces), while surprised by the silence of the government of American violations against the popular crowd . 
    US State Department spokesman Robert Bladino on Saturday attacked the Popular Forces again, calling them "sectarian forces." End 25 T

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