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    Polish PKN buys more Saudi Aramco oil

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Polish PKN buys more Saudi Aramco oil Empty Polish PKN buys more Saudi Aramco oil

    Post by Rocky Fri 22 Mar 2019, 8:36 am

    Polish PKN buys more Saudi Aramco oil

    Polish PKN buys more Saudi Aramco oil 9594

    Poland's largest refining company PKN Urlin said on Friday it would receive up to 800,000 tonnes of crude oil from Saudi Aramco for the trading of petroleum products in the form of six immediate deliveries between May and October as part of its diversification plan Supplies.
    In addition to the crude oil deal, the Saudi company agreed to buy heavy heating oil from a unit of PKN in Lithuania.
    "We have tested several supply options while building a strategic partnership with the supplier in Saudi Arabia," said Daniel O'Battrick, chief executive of PKN Orlin.
    BKN Orlin, which buys most of its oil from Russia through pipelines, has taken steps to reduce its reliance on Russian oil. The company already has a long-term agreement with Saudi Aramco to deliver 300,000 tons of crude per month.
    Currently, about 30 percent of the refined oil comes from PKN Urlin from sources other than Russia

      Current date/time is Sun 19 Jan 2025, 8:27 am