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    Trump appoints a general to work in Iraq as ambassador to his country in Riyadh

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    Trump appoints a general to work in Iraq as ambassador to his country in Riyadh Empty Trump appoints a general to work in Iraq as ambassador to his country in Riyadh

    Post by Rocky Fri 03 May 2019, 2:28 am

    [size=36]Trump appoints a general to work in Iraq as ambassador to his country in Riyadh[/size]

    Political | 08:56 - 03/05/2019

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    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - 
    The US administration has appointed the commander of the central command during the Iraq war, John Abizaid, as its ambassador to Riyadh, to fill the vacancy since January 2017. 
    After a two-year absence Trump appoints retired general as ambassador to Riyadh US Congress fails to overtake Vito Trump about the decision to end the support of Saudi Arabia operations in Yemen 
    and said the US embassy in Riyadh said in a statement that the new US ambassador, retired Gen. John Abizaid, arrived in Saudi Arabia on Thursday, after a vacancy in office as long as 27 months, a period in which relations between Washington and Riyadh complicated increasingly Because of issues including abhorrence Journalist Jamal Khashoggi. 
    "Saudi Arabia and the United States work together every day to protect the security of our two countries, promote prosperity and economic development, and build relations between our two peoples to maintain a strong relationship," the statement quoted Abu Zeid, 68, as saying.
    Trump Abizaid was nominated for the post in November last year, and was approved by the Senate in April. 
    Many in Washington have called for a tougher stance on Saudi Arabia's human rights record, reinforced by the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in his consulate in Turkey last year, and the killing of civilians in a bombing of the Saudi-led coalition in the civil war in Yemen. / H

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    Trump appoints a general to work in Iraq as ambassador to his country in Riyadh Empty Trump appoints a retired general serving in Iraq as ambassador to Saudi Arabia

    Post by Rocky Fri 03 May 2019, 2:40 am


    Trump appoints a retired general serving in Iraq as ambassador to Saudi Arabia

    [rtl]Editorial date: 2019/5/3 9:19 • 171 times read[/rtl]
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    {International: Euphrates News} The US administration appointed the commander of the Central Command during the Iraq war, John Abizaid, as its ambassador to Riyadh, to fill the vacant post since January 2017.
    After a vacuum of more than two years Trump appoints a retired general as ambassador to Riyadh US Congress fails to overtake Vito Trump on the decision to end support for Saudi operations in Yemen. 
    The new US ambassador, retired general John Abizaid, arrived in Saudi Arabia on Thursday after a 27-month vacancy, a period in which relations between Washington and Riyadh have become increasingly complicated by issues including the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the US embassy in Riyadh said in a statement. 
    "Saudi Arabia and the United States work together every day to protect the security of our two countries, promote prosperity and economic development, and build relations between our two peoples to maintain a strong relationship," the statement quoted Abu Zeid, 68, as saying. 
    Trump Abizaid was nominated in November last year and was approved by the Senate in April.
    Many in Washington called for a tougher stance on Saudi Arabia's human rights record, reinforced by the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in his consulate in Turkey last year, as well as the killing of civilians in the bombing of the Saudi-led coalition in the civil war in Yemen.
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    Trump appoints a general to work in Iraq as ambassador to his country in Riyadh Empty The new US ambassador arrives in Saudi Arabia

    Post by Rocky Fri 03 May 2019, 3:09 am

    The new US ambassador arrives in Saudi Arabia

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    The new US ambassador to Saudi Arabia, retired general John Abizaid, arrived in Riyadh on Thursday, the US embassy in Riyadh said.
    "Saudi [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] and the United States work together every day to protect the security of our two countries, promote prosperity and economic development, and build relations between our two peoples to maintain a strong relationship," the statement quoted Abu Zeid, 68, as saying .
    Trump Abizaid was nominated for the post in November last year, and was approved by the Senate in April. 

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    Trump appoints a general to work in Iraq as ambassador to his country in Riyadh Empty Re: Trump appoints a general to work in Iraq as ambassador to his country in Riyadh

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