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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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    The Central Bank circulates Sharia compliance on Islamic banks in Iraq

    Admin Assist
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    The Central Bank circulates Sharia compliance on Islamic banks in Iraq Empty The Central Bank circulates Sharia compliance on Islamic banks in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Thu 16 May 2019, 2:31 am

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    The Central Bank circulates Sharia compliance on Islamic banks in Iraq

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     2019-05-16 09:08:38

    The Central Bank of Iraq announced on Thursday the preparation of the report of the compliance monitor, which is a report that takes into account the specificity of Islamic banks and to achieve continuous communication between the compliance observer in the Sharia and the Banking Control Department of the Central Bank.
    "This report establishes an Islamic banking system that complies with international standards and standards," the bank said in a statement today.
    The role of the Sharia Compliance Monitor in Islamic Banks monitors the risk of non-compliance with the regulatory and legal framework, including the provisions of Islamic Sharia. The report seeks to ensure that legitimate banking compliance and compliance control are in compliance with the best practices required. The report will be adopted during the third quarter of this year, The bank gave Islamic banks 30 days to comment on the report.

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    Admin Assist
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    The Central Bank circulates Sharia compliance on Islamic banks in Iraq Empty The Central Bank is circulating the Sharia Compliance Report on Islamic Banks

    Post by Rocky Thu 16 May 2019, 5:37 am

    [size=36]The Central Bank is circulating the Sharia Compliance Report on Islamic Banks[/size]

    Economy | 10:16 - 16/05/2019

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    BAGHDAD - 
    The Central Bank announced on Thursday the completion of a report on compliance with Islamic banks. 
    In a statement received by Mawazine News, the bank said it had completed the report of the Shari'a Compliance Monitor, a report that takes into account the specificity of Islamic banks and in order to achieve continuous communication between the Sharia Compliance Controller and the Central Bank's Banking Control Department. Islamic compliance with the best international standards and specifications. " 
    She added that "the function of the Shari'a Compliance Monitor in Islamic banks monitors the risks of non-compliance with the regulatory framework and the legal, including the provisions of Islamic law."
    "This report seeks to ensure access to legitimate banking compliance and compliance monitoring to the best practices required. The report will be adopted during the third quarter of this year, and this bank has granted Islamic banks thirty days to indicate their observations on the report."

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The Central Bank circulates Sharia compliance on Islamic banks in Iraq Empty The Central Bank is circulating the Sharia Compliance Report on Islamic Banks

    Post by Rocky Thu 16 May 2019, 5:48 am

    The Central Bank is circulating the Sharia Compliance Report on Islamic Banks

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    The Central Bank of Iraq (CBE) announced on Thursday that it will complete the report of the Sharia Compliance Monitor, adding that the report will be approved during the third quarter of this year. 
    "The report takes into account the specificity of Islamic banks and the continuous communication between the Sharia Compliance Controller and the Central Bank's Banking Control Department," the bank said in a statement received by Al-Iktissad News. "This report establishes an Islamic banking system that complies with international standards and specifications "He said. 
    "The report seeks to ensure access to legitimate banking compliance and compliance monitoring to the best practices required," the statement said. 
    He pointed out that "the report will be adopted during the third quarter of this year, and gave the bank Islamic banks thirty days to show their observations on the report."
    It is worth mentioning that the function of the Shari'a Compliance Monitor in Islamic banks monitors the risks of non-compliance with the regulatory and legal framework, including Islamic Sharia. 

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    The Central Bank circulates Sharia compliance on Islamic banks in Iraq Empty Re: The Central Bank circulates Sharia compliance on Islamic banks in Iraq

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