Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Baghdad coordinates with the planning to complete the transactions of changing the sex of land from

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Baghdad coordinates with the planning to complete the transactions of changing the sex of land from  Empty Baghdad coordinates with the planning to complete the transactions of changing the sex of land from

    Post by Rocky Thu 23 May 2019, 1:31 am

    Baghdad coordinates with the planning to complete the transactions of changing the sex of land from agricultural to residential

    8:34 - 23/05/2019

    Information / Baghdad ..
    The Governor of Baghdad, Falah al-Jazairi, on Thursday, the existence of coordination with the House of Representatives to find a solution to the problematic overlap of powers with ministries, including changing the sex of land from agricultural to residential.
    "A lot of important files in the province are in urgent need of intervention and support of the parliament, because the capital needs a serious stand and concerted efforts on a lot of legislations, laws and imperfect powers," he said in an interview with the official newspaper Al-Sabah.
    He revealed that "many of the ministries stuck to their powers so far, which should be transferred to the province under Article 45 of the Law of the provincial councils No. 21 of 2008, which requires the support of parliament to achieve a state of harmony between authorities and ministries.
    He explained that the Algerian parliament approved the allocation of 70 billion dinars for the health sector, and 300 billion dinars for the education sector, but there is a clear interference with the issue of powers, especially the file of the purchase of medicines and medical devices, has not been determined the body responsible for him, whether the ministry or the province, Schools ".
    He added that "the province seeks to invest these amounts in the form of optimal micro-central, not in favor of the file services, stressing that the Parliament and from the privacy of the province, and promised to double the financial allocations allocated to them through the allocation of appropriate funds for each sector."
    The governor of Baghdad, that "these allocations, will be a real starting point and important for the next phase to start a comprehensive urban renaissance, noting that there are giant projects important will be included within the plans of the province, especially as several meetings are held with various parties to include districts and underserved areas services to raise the level of service" .
    He added that "meetings were also held with the parliament and the Ministry of Planning to complete the transactions of changing the sex of land from agricultural to housing under a map of work to ensure the accuracy and speed of completion, revealing that the past three months, has seen a large number of these transactions to the Ministry of Planning."
    "The competent committees have completed all the special procedures to obtain the land in its legal form," he said. "The next stage will be positively reflected as a result of cooperation with the House of Representatives and various parties in terms of services." Ending / 25

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