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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The deal of the century has no way to fail

    Admin Assist
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    The deal of the century has no way to fail Empty The deal of the century has no way to fail

    Post by Rocky Wed 05 Jun 2019, 2:53 am


    [size=52]The deal of the century has no way to fail[/size]

    [size=45]The American initiative to settle the Palestinian conflict with the Israeli entity or the attempt to evade Palestine by the United States and the Zionist "Deal", which contains the contents of the establishment of a new Palestinian state on the territory of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (except for the occupied territories which includes existing Israeli settlements) The "Deal of the Century", which has been the subject of discussion for many years, began to emerge gradually, a stigma in the forehead of those who seek it amid the adherence of the Palestinian people to the principles not covered by the American plan that relies on economic solutions but dialogue and return to the borders of the fourth of June 1967 in accordance with international legitimacy resolutions and peace initiatives and does not want to recognize that the solution of the Palestinian issue should begin with political issues before the economic and this is a reality that President Trump believes he will address all the core issues including Jerusalem and refugees, he says. And will not see the deal of the century and the settlement of this conflict without dialogue is not possible and that America is living in confusion and lack of know-how and insight in this case. And many of the failures she is currently experiencing because of the reckless policies of President Donald Trump. "We hope that the Arab countries will not be able to participate in the rescue of the" deal of the century, "according to Washington, which is rejected by the Arab countries. Oman, because the deal is not without negative repercussions on the demographic composition of Jordan if it includes the naturalization of the Palestinians or "impose" a confederation or take Jordan as an alternative homeland and there are countries behind the curtain waiting for the results, which can not be trusted in support of the Palestinian people are among the first reconciled with the occupation , While the US administration is seeking to calm the Jordanian government fears, "on the grounds that the deal will not harm the kingdom, nor becoming a substitute homeland for the Palestinians, while the king runs a political maneuver aimed at reducing the deal damage to his country."
    [size=45]There is no doubt that the long battle of the Palestinian people in the return marches, which started under very difficult conditions and this pulse of life in the Palestinian people since the gift of the (Prophet) Moses in 1919 and so far the best weapon to confront the ideas put forward Trump what is known as this deal, "and contributed to these marches To bring life back to the Palestinian cause and be at the forefront of the Arab and Islamic agenda.[/size]
    [size=45]That the continuation of rumors and leaks about the so-called features of the US administration, in addition to continuing to try to find regional and international parties cooperating with the items of this plan are failed attempts will reach a dead end, because the title for achieving a just and lasting peace is the Palestinian leadership, Political discourse should be based on any peace plan that does not include the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital on the 1967 borders. As for the previously leaked schemes relating to the Gaza Strip, they correspond to what was published in the Israeli newspapers. She said that Egypt will build an airport, factories, commercial and agricultural areas in the Sinai with the aim of leasing it to the new state of Palestine. While the people of Gaza will be granted arid lands from the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula, Israel will include the Jordan Valley, located between Lake Tiberias and the Dead Sea, on a land of 105 km long and 10 km wide, which is one of the most fertile agricultural lands. It seems that Israel has received support from the United States, Egypt and the Gulf states, which have dipped their heads in the sand and are expected to be trying to force the Palestinians to accept these or other similar materials. The deal means bargaining over the person of the nation, its land, its sanctities, its religion, its unity and the opinion of the Arab and Islamic nation is rejection, denunciation and confrontation for anyone who raises his voice with this deal. It seems that Israel has received support from the United States, Egypt and the Gulf states, which have dipped their heads in the sand and are expected to be trying to force the Palestinians to accept these or other similar materials. The deal means bargaining over the person of the nation, its land, its sanctities, its religion, its unity and the opinion of the Arab and Islamic nation is rejection, denunciation and confrontation for anyone who raises his voice with this deal. It seems that Israel has received support from the United States, Egypt and the Gulf states, which have dipped their heads in the sand and are expected to be trying to force the Palestinians to accept these or other similar materials. The deal means bargaining over the person of the nation, its land, its sanctities, its religion, its unity and the opinion of the Arab and Islamic nation is rejection, denunciation and confrontation for anyone who raises his voice with this deal.[/size]
    [size=45]Free peoples, the resistance and the defender refuse to accept the deal, disown those who work to implement it, and facilitate the way ahead, and exceed their will and their position against it. And with them the peoples of the Arab and Islamic nation insist on the rejection, condemnation and confrontation of all who raise his voice with this deal, and the ruling from the two nations because it is unfair liquidation of the Palestinian cause, and a serious plot on the ground and human sanctities, the present and the future. The issue is the cause of a nation as a whole, in which only the one who has its entire representation - in its war, its validity, and its public affairs - is as it is. And the deal of the century is only one of the crimes and conspiracies in order to strengthen the Israeli security and economic entity at the expense of Jordan and the Palestinian Authority, to achieve economic peace without solving the fundamental problems in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.[/size]
    [size=45]That the whole Muslim nation is targeted in this deal is intended to try to tear up the peoples as happened against Syria and before Iraq, Yemen and Libya and failed those efforts and be committed to resist their people. If the mobilization of the nation and work on the unity of all peoples in all its currents the main way to end this deal and thwart it in its cradle Not the governments of complicit and tolerant and this stage is the stage of testing their real will, in front of the stage of settlement, but before the liquidation phase. To the nation's important issues and control over all its capabilities.[/size]
    [size=45]Abdul Khaliq Al-Falah - Researcher and media[/size]


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