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    The government ends the final accounts for 6 years and prepares a budget for the 2014 budget

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    The government ends the final accounts for 6 years and prepares a budget for the 2014 budget Empty The government ends the final accounts for 6 years and prepares a budget for the 2014 budget

    Post by Rocky Mon 10 Jun 2019, 2:38 am

    POSTED ON [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]The government ends the final accounts for 6 years and prepares a budget for the 2014 budget[/size]

    [size=45]Baghdad / Mohammed Sabah
    [size=45]A government team tasked with reviewing the final accounts file for the past years is about to complete its final reports and submit them to the Council of Ministers within the next few weeks to vote and send them to the House of Representatives.[/size]
    [size=45]The audit restricted many irregularities committed by most government agencies and monitored the existence of a clear difference between the proven figures and the disbursements, which is an indication of the existence of cases of corruption and manipulation and theft of public money.[/size]
    [size=45]Because of the lack of a budget in the law of the law of Nuri al-Maliki recently forced the ministerial team to organize a law called "the budget of the final accounts" in 2014 to identify the funds that have been spotted and disbursed.[/size]
    [size=45]The appearance of Mohammed Saleh, the financial adviser to the Prime Minister in a statement to (the extent) that "the government program approved by the House of Representatives in one of its paragraphs to complete the final accounts on their legal dates."[/size]
    [size=45]"The lack of a budget in 2014 hindered the process of completing the final accounts of past years and not to send them to the House of Representatives for approval," he said, noting that "the submission of accounts for the year 2013 linked to the approval of the accounts in 2014."[/size]
    [size=45]The House of Representatives did not approve the budget 2014 because of differences between the political parties accompanied by progress and the holding of parliamentary elections.[/size]
    [size=45]"The problem faced by the government in this matter is that there is no budget and therefore this problem is reflected in the lack of preparation of final accounts," said the financial advisor who accompanied the former and current prime ministers. "This problem is nearing completion by finding legal outcomes."[/size]
    [size=45]He explained that "the government will draft the budget law and the final accounts for 2014 and will be sent to parliament for its legislation to tabulate the exchange process that took place in that year, which did not approve the general budget of the Iraqi state," pointing out that "the remaining accounts remaining for the past years will be presented to Parliament and ratified . "[/size]
    [size=45]The final accounts include the balance sheet, profit or loss, cash flow and coverage data of the final accounts through a comparison between the balance between the figures in the budget law and the funds and figures disbursed by the government.[/size]
    [size=45]Saleh confirms that "the final accounts for the years 2015, 2016, 2017 and almost 2018 accounts have been completed and are ready to be submitted to the Council of Ministers with the final accounts for 2013 and 2014 before sending them to the House of Representatives for approval" expected to end "the file of all final accounts for the past years during the year Current. "[/size]
    [size=45]The financial adviser confirms that "the Office of Financial Control is the audit of these final accounts."[/size]
    [size=45]Has already sent the government of Haider Abadi final accounts from 2004 to 2012 to Parliament and noted the existence of violations and clear differences between the figures installed in the previous budgets and disbursements implemented by the majority of government agencies. At the time, the final accounts for the year 2007 indicated the loss of 75 trillion dinars is not known fate, and monitored a violation of the Ministry of Finance grant cash advances totaling 5.522 trillion dinars without the presence of allocation based on special decisions of the Council of Ministers.[/size]
    [size=45]The final accounts for the years 2008-2009 and 2010-2011 were referred by the government to the parliament a lot of financial excesses according to the observations confirmed by the Bureau of Financial Supervision, including the non-settlement of financial advances exceeded 124 trillion dinars, in which the Department of Accounting at the Ministry of Finance indicated that it does not have the first priorities or They lost.[/size]
    [size=45]For its part, the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives that "the reasons for delayed submission of final accounts by the previous and current governments to Parliament for ratification due to the political problems and differences on the part of corruption and on the other."[/size]
    [size=45]"The parliament is ignorant of the exchange process that took place since 2012 until this moment because of the lack of final accounts," says the committee's chairman, Ahmed al-Saffar. "Parliament is keen to follow the final accounts with the government."[/size]
    [size=45]The decision of the Finance Committee of the parliamentary committee that "always demands the Ministry of Finance to send these accounts to Parliament for scrutiny before ratification."[/size]
    [size=45]Al-Saffar pointed out that "there are previous studies conducted within the House of Representatives by a number of advisers and the Department of research on a number of disbursements in a range of budgets," noting that "these studies identified that the best balance in previous years achieved the rate of disbursement of funds by 60% % Of its provisions. "[/size]
    [size=45]"The existence of the final accounts will show us where the remaining 40 percent went?"[/size]

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    The government ends the final accounts for 6 years and prepares a budget for the 2014 budget Empty Abdul Mahdi adviser: Government ended the final accounts of six years ago

    Post by Rocky Mon 10 Jun 2019, 8:26 am

    Abdul Mahdi adviser: Government ended the final accounts of six years ago

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    The appearance of Mohammed [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] , financial adviser to the Prime Minister, announced on Monday, the government ended the final accounts of six years ago. 
    Saleh said in a press statement that, "the government program approved by the House of Representatives in one of its paragraphs in the completion of the final accounts on their legal dates." 
    "The lack of a budget in 2014 hindered the process of completing the final accounts of past years and not send them to the House of Representatives for approval," he said, noting that "the submission of final accounts for the year 2013 linked to the approval of accounts in 2014." 
    The House of Representatives did not approve the budget 2014 because of differences between the political parties accompanied by progress and the holding of parliamentary elections.
    "The problem faced by the government in this matter is that there is no budget and therefore this problem was reflected in the lack of preparation of final accounts," he added. "This problem is nearing completion by finding legal outcomes. " 
    He explained that "the government will draft the budget law and the final accounts for 2014 and will be sent to parliament for legislation to tabulate the exchange process that took place in that year, which did not approve the general budget of the Iraqi state," pointing out that "the final accounts remaining for the past years will be presented to parliament and ratification on her." 

    The final accounts include the balance sheet, profit or loss, cash flow and coverage data of the final accounts through a comparison between the balance between the figures in the budget law and the funds and figures disbursed by the government.
    Saleh confirmed that, "the final accounts for the years 2015, 2016, 2017 and almost 2018 accounts have been finalized and are ready to be presented to the Council of Ministers with the final accounts for 2013 and 2014 before sending them to the House of Representatives for approval," expected to end "the file of all final accounts for the past years during Current year. " 
    "The financial adviser is the one who checks these final accounts," the financial adviser said. 

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    Admin Assist
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    The government ends the final accounts for 6 years and prepares a budget for the 2014 budget Empty Saleh: Final accounts for the budgets of 2013, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 will be completed soon!

    Post by Rocky Mon 10 Jun 2019, 9:02 am

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    Last updated: 10 June 2019 - 10:58 p

    BAGHDAD / The appearance of Mohammed Saleh, financial adviser to the Prime Minister, Monday, June 10, 2019, the end of the government for the final accounts of six years ago, while it is preparing a law for the budget (2014), which did not approve the period of former Prime Minister Nuri Maliki. Saleh said in a press statement that, "the government program approved by the House of Representatives in one of its paragraphs in the completion of the final accounts in their legal dates."

     The financial adviser continued, "The lack of a budget in 2014 hindered the process of completing the final accounts of past years And not sent to the House of Representatives for approval "Pointing out that" the submission of final accounts for the year 2013 linked to the approval of accounts in 2014. 

    "The House of Representatives did not approve the budget 2014 because of differences between the political parties accompanied by progress and the holding of parliamentary elections.

     "The problem faced by the government in this matter is that there is no budget and therefore this problem was reflected in the lack of preparation of final accounts," he added. 

    "This problem is nearing completion by finding legal outcomes. "He explained that" the government will draft the budget law and the final accounts for 2014 and will be sent to parliament for its legislation to tabulate the exchange process that took place in that year, which did not approve the general budget of the Iraqi state, "pointing out that" the final accounts remaining for the past years will be presented to theParliament and ratification.

     "The final accounts include the disclosure of the budget and profits or losses and cash and data coverage of the final accounts through a comparison between what is confirmed between the numbers in the law of the budget and funds and figures spent by the government." 

    Saleh, "the final accounts for 2015, 2016 , 2017 and almost 2018 accounts have been finalized and are ready to be presented to the Council of Ministers with the final accounts for 2013 and 2014 before sending them to the House of Representatives for approval, "expected to end" the file of all the final accounts for the past years during the current year. " It "Office of Financial Supervision is one of the audited final accounts of these."

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    The government ends the final accounts for 6 years and prepares a budget for the 2014 budget Empty Re: The government ends the final accounts for 6 years and prepares a budget for the 2014 budget

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