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    Integrity reveals the involvement of five Iraqi parliamentarians large corruption cases

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    Integrity reveals the involvement of five Iraqi parliamentarians large corruption cases Empty Integrity reveals the involvement of five Iraqi parliamentarians large corruption cases

    Post by Rocky Thu 04 Jul 2019, 2:05 am

    [size=36]Integrity reveals the involvement of five Iraqi parliamentarians large corruption cases[/size]

    Political | 08:22 - 04/07/2019

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    BAGHDAD - Mawazine News 
    revealed the Integrity Commission, on Thursday, it has completed files of corruption, "large" to prove the involvement of about five members of the House of Representatives, while demanding the lifting of immunity. 
    The head of the agency, Salah Nuri, according to the newspaper "morning" semi-official, "The Commission referred a number of issues that extend officials from the rank of Director-General and above on the judiciary, as discussed in the Anti-Corruption Council, and handed in detail to the judiciary while maintaining neutrality in raising Names because the issues are pending by the judiciary and disclosure will be through the Anti-Corruption Council. " 
    Nuri pointed out that "the judiciary informed the Commission that their statistics indicate that they have nearly 2100 cases only and was during a session of the Council to combat corruption to confirm the speed of completion and announced."
    He stressed that "the Anti-Corruption Council has played a major role in overcoming many of the obstacles that faced the work of institutions involved in the fight against corruption and clear possible direct coordination between them, especially prosecutors and the judiciary, vowing to resolve the files in his possession as soon as possible." 
    The Chairman of the Commission, "the completion of files of four to five members of the House of Representatives, and it is very heavy issues," and wished the Supreme Judicial Council, which intensified its cooperation with the Commission through the Council to combat corruption recently, "lift immunity to resolve their files and receive their fair compensation "Ending 29 / a 43

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    Integrity reveals the involvement of five Iraqi parliamentarians large corruption cases Empty Integrity confirms the referral of 2607 cases of senior officials to the judiciary and reveals the i

    Post by Rocky Thu 04 Jul 2019, 2:11 am


    Integrity confirms the referral of 2607 cases of senior officials to the judiciary and reveals the involvement of 5 parliamentarians

    [rtl]Editorial date: 2019/7/4 8:36 • 156 times read[/rtl]
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    {International: Al Furat News} On Thursday, the Integrity Commission announced the transfer of 2,607 cases to senior officials from the rank of Director General and above to the judiciary.
    The head of the agency, Salah Nuri, said in a press statement, "The Commission referred to the judiciary 2607 cases of senior officials from the rank of Director General and above and stated with each case the size of the amounts." 
    He pointed out that "the Commission requested the judiciary through the Anti-Corruption Council to announce it through the Council and mentioned the number of cases in which the ruling of the senior officials and how the case was closed for lack of evidence and how much remained related to foreign affairs to inform the public." 
    He added that "the judiciary informed the Commission that their statistics indicate that they have nearly 2100 cases only and was during a session of the Council to combat corruption to confirm the speed of completion and announced."
    The Chairman of the Commission, on "the completion of files of four to five members of the House of Representatives, and it is very heavy issues," and wished the Supreme Judicial Council, which intensified its cooperation with the Commission through the Council against corruption recently, "lift immunity to resolve their files and receive their fair compensation ".is over

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    Integrity reveals the involvement of five Iraqi parliamentarians large corruption cases Empty Integrity reveals the involvement of five Iraqi parliamentarians with cases of "big" corruption: We

    Post by Rocky Thu 04 Jul 2019, 2:28 am

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    Integrity reveals the involvement of five Iraqi parliamentarians with cases of "big" corruption: We completed their files

    2019/07/03 23:40:04

    "The Integrity Commission announced that it has completed files of corruption" large "prove the involvement of about five members of the House of Representatives, while demanding the lifting of immunity from them, confirmed the referral of more than 2600 cases involving officials from the rank of Director General and above on the judiciary, Of the 4,000 cases in the Commission are verified for this segment.
    Al-Sabah newspaper quoted the head of the Integrity Commission as saying: "The Commission referred a number of issues that extend officials from the rank of director general and above to the judiciary, as discussed in the Anti-Corruption Council, Impartiality in raising names because the issues are pending by the judiciary and their disclosure will be through the Anti-Corruption Council.
    He added that the authority referred to eliminate 2607 issues lengthened senior officials of the degree of general manager and above mentioned with each case the size of the amounts, noting that the Commission has asked the judiciary through the Anti-Corruption Council announced by the Council mentioned the preparation of issues that rule and which belong to senior officials and how much It closed the case for lack of evidence and how many of them remained related to external things to the public.
    He noted that the judiciary told the Commission that their statistics indicate that they have nearly 2100 issue only been during the session of the anti-corruption emphasis on the speed of completion and announced, stressing that the fight against corruption, the Council had a major role in overcoming many of the obstacles that were faced with the work of institutions involved in combating corruption and has become possible to direct coordination between them, especially public prosecution and the judiciary, vowing decisively existing files has as quickly as possible.
    He revealed the completion of files of four to five members of the House of Representatives, and promised very heavy issues, and wished the Supreme Judicial Council, which intensified its cooperation with the Commission through the Council against corruption recently, lifting immunity to resolve their files and receive their fair compensation.
    The head of the Integrity Agency said that the number of outstanding cases in the Integrity Commission is underway to achieve four thousand and 114 cases of senior officials. The investigation department has been approached by the Commission for reasons of non-completion so far. The answer was for several reasons, including 819 cases, The largest, pending the results of the administrative investigation of the offices of the inspectors general, in addition to 19 cases awaiting the report of the Office of Financial Supervision, and the other because of the introduction of witnesses, and was approached the inspectors and the inspectors and the need for speedy completion.

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    Integrity reveals the involvement of five Iraqi parliamentarians large corruption cases Empty Integrity reveals the involvement of five deputies files corruption "very heavy"

    Post by Rocky Thu 04 Jul 2019, 2:29 am

    Integrity reveals the involvement of five deputies files corruption "very heavy"

    09:13 - 04/07/2019

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    Information / Baghdad ..
    The Integrity Commission revealed on Thursday the involvement of five members of the House of Representatives files of corruption "very heavy", demanding the lifting of immunity from them, while confirmed the referral of more than 2600 cases involving officials from the rank of Director General and above on the judiciary.
    The head of the Integrity Commission, Salah Nouri, said in a statement published by the official newspaper "Al-Sabah", that "the Commission referred a number of issues that extend officials from the rank of Director General and above to the judiciary, as discussed in the Anti-Corruption Council, To eliminate with the preservation of neutrality in raising names because the issues are not pending by the judiciary and disclosure will be through the Anti-Corruption Council. "
    Nuri added that "the Commission referred to the judiciary 2607 cases of senior officials ranging from the rank of Director General and above and stated with each issue the size of the amounts," noting that "the Commission requested the judiciary through the Anti-Corruption Council to announce through the Council and the number of cases in which he ruled Which concerns senior officials and how many cases have been closed for lack of evidence and how much remains related to foreign affairs to inform the public. "
    He pointed out that "the judiciary informed the Commission that their statistics indicate that they have nearly 2100 issues only and was during a meeting of the Council to combat corruption to confirm the speed of completion and announced," stressing that "the Anti-Corruption Council had a significant role in overcoming many of the obstacles that were Facing the work of institutions involved in fighting corruption and clear possible direct coordination between them, especially prosecutors and the judiciary, vowing to resolve the files in his possession as soon as possible.
    "The Supreme Judicial Council, which intensified its cooperation with the Commission through the Anti-Corruption Council recently, lifted the immunity of them to resolve their files and receive their fair compensation," he said.
    The head of the Integrity Agency, said that "the number of outstanding cases in the Integrity Commission and are working to achieve the number of four thousand and 114 cases of senior officials, has been approached by the Department of Investigation in the Commission for reasons not yet completed, and the answer for several reasons, including 819 cases The largest percentage, pending the results of the administrative investigation of the offices of the inspectors general, in addition to 19 cases awaiting the report of the Office of Financial Supervision, and the other because of the introduction of witnesses, and was approached by the inspectors and the public control and emphasis on the need for speedy completion. Ending / 25

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    Integrity reveals the involvement of five Iraqi parliamentarians large corruption cases Empty Integrity calls for lifting the immunity of five deputies for their involvement in files of corrupti

    Post by Rocky Thu 04 Jul 2019, 2:49 am

    [size=35][size=35]Integrity calls for lifting the immunity of five deputies for their involvement in files of corruption[/size]

    2019-07-04 02:03
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    [size=18]The Integrity Commission revealed on Thursday that cases involving officials from the rank of director-general and above were referred to the judiciary, pointing out at the same time the completion of files involving four to five members of the House of Representatives for their involvement in "very heavy" issues.

    In a statement to the official Al-Sabah newspaper, the head of the agency said that the authority "referred a number of issues that span officials from the rank of director-general and above to the judiciary," pointing to "discussing them in the [url= %D9%85%D9%83%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%AD%D8%A9 %D8%A7%D9%84%D9%81%D8%B3%D8%A7%D8%AF/ar/]anti-corruption council[/url]."

    He explained that these cases "handed over in detail to the judiciary while maintaining neutrality in raising names because the cases are not pending judicially." 

    He revealed the completion of the body "for files of four to five members of the House of Representatives," returned "very heavy issues." 

    The Chairman of the Commission, that "the number of outstanding cases in the [url= %D8%A7%D9%84%D9%86%D8%B2%D8%A7%D9%87%D8%A9/ar/]Integrity Commission[/url] and are working to achieve the number of four thousand and 114 cases," noting that "several reasons prevented completion."

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