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    Rafidain launches loans worth 100 million dinars for this category

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    Rafidain launches loans worth 100 million dinars for this category Empty Rafidain launches loans worth 100 million dinars for this category

    Post by Rocky Mon 08 Jul 2019, 2:05 am

    [size=30]Rafidain launches loans worth 100 million dinars for this category[/size]
    By [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] 08/07/2019 
    font size: [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    [rtl]Al-Ahed News - Baghdad[/rtl]
    [rtl]Rafidain Bank launched loans worth 100 million dinars for the purchase of residential units.[/rtl]
    [rtl]The bank's press office said in a statement received on Monday that "based on the bank's policy aimed at supporting employees and citizens, it was decided to grant loans to buy residential units in residential investment projects."[/rtl]
    [rtl] He pointed out that "in case   the student loan is granted a loan of 100 million maximum,  but if the applicant is a citizen is granted 50 million maximum ."[/rtl]

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    Admin Assist
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    Rafidain launches loans worth 100 million dinars for this category Empty Rafidain launches 100 million loans to buy residential units

    Post by Rocky Mon 08 Jul 2019, 2:31 am

    Rafidain launches 100 million loans to buy residential units

    09:55 - 08/07/2019

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    Information / Baghdad ..
    Rafidain Bank announced on Monday the launch of loans of 100 million for the purchase of residential units in investment projects.
    "Based on the bank's policy to support employees and citizens, it is decided to grant loans to buy residential units in residential investment projects," the bank's information office said in a statement received by Al-Maaloumah.
    The statement added that "in the case of the loan applicant was a staff is granted a loan of 100 million maximum, but in case the applicant is a citizen is granted 50 million maximum." Ending / 25

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    Rafidain launches loans worth 100 million dinars for this category Empty Rafidain launches loans of 100 million for the purchase of residential units in investment projects

    Post by Rocky Mon 08 Jul 2019, 2:33 am

    [size=36]Rafidain launches loans of 100 million for the purchase of residential units in investment projects[/size]

    Economy | 09:45 - 08/07/2019

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    Baghdad - 
    Al-Rafidain Bank, Monday, the loans of 100 million to buy housing units in investment projects. 
    "Based on the bank's policy to support employees and citizens, it is decided to grant loans to buy residential units in residential investment projects," the bank's media office said in a statement received by Mawazine News. 
    He pointed out that "in the case of the student loan was an employee is granted a loan of 100 million maximum, but in case the applicant is a citizen is granted 50 million maximum."

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    Rafidain launches loans worth 100 million dinars for this category Empty Rafidain launches loans worth 100 million for the purchase of housing units

    Post by Rocky Mon 08 Jul 2019, 2:37 am

    Rafidain launches loans worth 100 million for the purchase of housing units

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    Rafidain Bank announced on Monday the launch of loans worth 100 million dinars for employees and 50 million for citizens to buy residential units in investment projects.
    The Bank's Information Office said in a statement read by Al-Iktissar News that "based on the bank's policy to support employees and citizens, it was decided to grant loans to buy residential units in residential investment projects."
    "If the applicant is an employee, a loan of 100 million will be granted as a maximum, and if the applicant is a citizen, he will be granted a maximum of 50 million," the office said.

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    Admin Assist
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    Rafidain launches loans worth 100 million dinars for this category Empty Al-Rafidain: The launch of loans worth 100 million for the purchase of housing units investment proj

    Post by Rocky Mon 08 Jul 2019, 2:46 am

    [size=35][size=35]Al-Rafidain: The launch of loans worth 100 million for the purchase of housing units investment projects[/size]
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    2019-07-08 02:45
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    [size=18]Rafidain Bank announced on Monday the launch of loans worth 100 million dinars for employees and 50 million for citizens to buy residential units in investment projects.

    The bank's information office said in a statement received by Alsumaria News that "based on the policy of the bank aimed at supporting employees and citizens decided to grant loans to buy residential units in residential investment projects."

    "If the applicant is an employee, a loan of 100 million will be granted as a maximum, and if the applicant is a citizen, he will be granted a maximum of 50 million," the office said.

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    Admin Assist
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    Rafidain launches loans worth 100 million dinars for this category Empty Mawazine News / published instructions to apply for loans of 100 salaries to buy housing units

    Post by Rocky Mon 08 Jul 2019, 9:55 am

    [size=36] Mawazine News / published instructions to apply for loans of 100 salaries to buy housing units[/size]

    Economy | 01:46 - 08/07/2019

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    Baghdad - 
    Al-Rafidain Bank, Monday, granted loans to citizens and employees to buy housing units in investment projects and for the purpose of contributing and alleviate the housing crisis and according to the instructions below. 
    In case the applicant is a staff member: 
    1- A loan of 100 salaries shall be granted a minimum of 50 million dinars and a maximum of 100 million dinars. 
    2. The permanent landlord shall continue to serve with a letter of support from his department and shall be signed by the head of the department. 
    3 - to cover 50% of the total salary amount of installment and monthly interest. 
    4 - not to receive a housing loan either from Rafidain Bank or other banks. 

    In case the applicant is a citizen: 
    1. The loan amount is 50 million as a maximum. 
    2. The identity documents shall provide the identity of the civil status - the nationality certificate - the residence card - or the national card.
    3 - Obtain a pledge from the loan applicant supports not to grant him any loan from our bank or other banks. 
    4 - The deduction of the premiums incurred by the borrower through electronic payment tools if possible. 
    5 - Loan Guarantee Provide the sponsor of civil servants to the permanent owners of the state departments and excludes the employees of the state home salaries with our bank in addition to mortgage the housing unit in favor of the bank of the first degree after registration in the name of the borrower. 
    6. The amount of the loan granted shall not exceed the purchase price of the residential unit included in the contract between the borrower and the executing company. 
    The Rafidain Bank announced on Monday the launch of loans worth 100 million dinars for employees and 50 million citizens, to buy housing units in investment projects.

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    Rafidain launches loans worth 100 million dinars for this category Empty Re: Rafidain launches loans worth 100 million dinars for this category

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