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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Finance: Courtesy of political reasons Arbil to pay the dues of oil and border crossin

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentary Finance: Courtesy of political reasons Arbil to pay the dues of oil and border crossin Empty Parliamentary Finance: Courtesy of political reasons Arbil to pay the dues of oil and border crossin

    Post by Rocky Thu 11 Jul 2019, 2:21 am

    Parliamentary Finance: Courtesy of political reasons Arbil to pay the dues of oil and border crossings

    19:32 - 10/07/2019

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    Information / Special ...
    The Parliamentary Finance Committee attributed Wednesday the lack of commitment of the Kurdistan Regional Government to pay the dues of oil exports and border crossings to the political niceties and the silence of the federal government.
    "The majority of the political blocs remained silent and no discussion was held within the House of Representatives after the presentation of the issue of non-commitment of the government of Erbil to pay the dues of oil exports and border crossings," said the member of the Committee Haneen al-Qaddu said in a statement. The territorial government of its financial obligations to Baghdad. "
    He added that "the silence of the government and not take deterrent legal measures to push the government of Kurdistan to delay the issue of payment of financial dues from oil exports and ports," noting that "the dismissal of Finance Minister Fouad Hussein, which was put in the House of Representatives will fail because of the political niceties of the Kurdish forces.
    The parliamentary Finance Committee, earlier, that the bill budget 2020 will be free of the paragraph of the commitment of the federal government to pay the salaries of employees of the Kurdistan region, while the statement that the paragraph was placed within the budget of 2019 to deal with the government of Erbil in good faith, but the latter did not commit to pay dues exports Oil.
    The MP for the Alliance of Saudon Riyad Mohammed has confirmed, earlier, that Prime Minister [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] obliged to stop payment of salaries of employees of the Kurdistan region for the remaining months until receipt of oil money from the government of Arbil, and that Abdul Mahdi will face dismissal if the law is not applied towards Territory. End 25 T

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