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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Integrity: billion and a quarter billion dinars the cost of the most important investment projects l

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    Integrity: billion and a quarter billion dinars the cost of the most important investment projects l Empty Integrity: billion and a quarter billion dinars the cost of the most important investment projects l

    Post by Rocky Wed 17 Jul 2019, 2:49 am

    [size=35][size=35]Integrity: billion and a quarter billion dinars the cost of the most important investment projects lagging Najaf[/size]
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    2019-07-17 02:59
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    [size=18]The Integrity Commission announced on Wednesday the recommendations approved by the Central Investigative Team to follow up the sluggish projects in Najaf, indicating that the cost of "the most important" investment projects lagging in the province of one billion and a quarter billion dinars.

    The Commission said in a statement received by Alsumaria News, a copy of it, "the total projects lagging in the province of 240 projects, including 104 projects funded centrally, including 45 projects where there are financial and administrative irregularities," indicating that "the most prominent projects financed centrally project (rehabilitation and tiling) Karbston and sidewalks) streets in the district of victory more than (22,600,000,000) billion dinars, and the establishment and processing of a water unit south of Kufa, about (6.500 million) billion dinars.

    She added that "the number of investment projects vacated by the Najaf Investment Corporation monitored 136 projects, most notably the compound (Bab Ali) housing ($ 248,200) million, and the establishment of a residential complex for academics about (245 million) million dollars, (168,000,000) and (129,000,000) million dollars, respectively, as well as two projects of cement production plant and the establishment of an industrial city with more than (240,000,000) and (170,000,000) million dollars and many other important projects.

    The department pointed to "the most prominent investment projects in which criminal and news cases have been opened, such as the monorail train, the construction of a pharmaceutical factory and the construction of a residential complex comprising 2200 housing units, tourist hotels, recreational complexes and commercial buildings." 

    "The investigation team, headed by the Director General of the Department of Investigations, is responsible for the management and follow-up of investigations and investigations into cases, criminal cases and information, as well as reconstruction projects, services, investment and projects plagued by suspicions of corruption."

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    Admin Assist
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    Integrity: billion and a quarter billion dinars the cost of the most important investment projects l Empty Integrity: billion and a quarter billion dinars the cost of the most important investment projects l

    Post by Rocky Wed 17 Jul 2019, 3:00 am

    [size=41]Integrity: billion and a quarter billion dinars the cost of the most important investment projects lagging Najaf

    July 17, 2019 - 01:10


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    Badr News / Baghdad ...
    The Integrity Commission, on Wednesday, announced the recommendations approved by the Central Investigative Team author; to follow up the sluggish projects in the province of Najaf Ashraf, indicating the referral of the priorities of those projects, and recorded as information. 
    "The total number of projects in the province is 240 projects, of which 104 are centrally funded projects, 45 of which involve financial and administrative irregularities," the agency's investigations department said in a statement received by Bader News. Noting that "the most prominent projects funded centrally centralized project (rehabilitation and tiling, Karpston and sidewalks) streets in the neighborhood of more than (22,600,000,000) billion dinars, and the establishment and processing of water unit south of Kufa, about (6.500 million) billion dinars."
    She added that "the number of investment projects vacated by the Najaf Investment Commission allocated 136 projects, most notably the (Bab Ali) residential complex ($ 248,200) million, and the establishment of a residential complex for academics about (245 million) million dollars, (168,000,000) and (129,000,000) million dollars, respectively, as well as two projects of cement production plant and the establishment of an industrial city with more than (240,000,000) and (170,000,000) million dollars and many other important projects. 
    The department highlighted "the most prominent investment projects in which criminal and news cases have been opened, such as the monorail train, construction of a pharmaceutical factory and the construction of a residential complex comprising 2200 housing units, tourist hotels, recreational complexes and commercial buildings."
    "The investigation team, headed by the Director General of the Investigations Department, manages and follows up investigations and investigations into criminal cases, cases and information, as well as reconstruction, services, investment projects and projects plagued with suspicion of corruption."
    It should be noted that the Authority announced late last year (2018) on the dilapidated projects in Najaf province, which was monitored and documented by one of its teams, which investigated and investigated the reconstruction projects and services in the province.

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    Admin Assist
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    Integrity: billion and a quarter billion dinars the cost of the most important investment projects l Empty Integrity: billion and a quarter billion dinars the cost of the most important investment projects l

    Post by Rocky Wed 17 Jul 2019, 6:01 am

    Integrity: billion and a quarter billion dinars the cost of the most important investment projects lagging Najaf

    10:47 - 17/07/2019

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    BAGHDAD - The 
    Commission on Integrity, Wednesday, the recommendations approved by the Central Investigative Team author; to follow up the projects lagging in the province of Najaf, confirming the referral of the priorities of those projects, and recorded as information. 
    "The total number of projects in the province is 240 projects, of which 104 are centrally funded projects, 45 of which involve financial and administrative irregularities," the agency said in a statement. The most prominent projects funded centrally are the project (rehabilitation, tiling, Karpston and sidewalks) streets in the district of victory more than (22,600,000,000) billion dinars, and the establishment and processing of water unit south of Kufa, about (6.500 million) billion dinars.
    She added that "the number of investment projects abandoned by the Najaf Investment Commission monitored (136) projects, most notably the complex (Bab Ali) housing ($ 248,200) million, and the establishment of a residential complex for academics about (245 million) million dollars, and the Committee of Najaf and residential rights (168,000,000) and (129,000,000) million dollars, respectively, as well as two projects of cement production plant and the establishment of an industrial city with more than (240,000,000) and (170,000,000) million dollars and many other important projects.
    The Commission highlighted "the most outstanding investment projects in which criminal and news cases were opened, such as the Monorail train project, the construction of a pharmaceutical factory and the construction of a residential complex comprising 2200 housing units, tourist hotels, recreational complexes and commercial buildings." The investigative team, Investigations and investigations and investigations into criminal files and cases and information, as well as reconstruction projects, services, investment and projects plagued by suspicions of corruption. " Ending / 25

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    Integrity: billion and a quarter billion dinars the cost of the most important investment projects l Empty Re: Integrity: billion and a quarter billion dinars the cost of the most important investment projects l

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