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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Maliki: Kurds have decided their fate by voting on the Constitution guarantees the unity of Iraq

    Admin Assist
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    Maliki: Kurds have decided their fate by voting on the Constitution guarantees the unity of Iraq Empty Maliki: Kurds have decided their fate by voting on the Constitution guarantees the unity of Iraq

    Post by Rocky Sun Apr 20, 2014 10:15 am

    Maliki: Kurds have decided their fate by voting on the Constitution guarantees the unity of Iraq

    04/20/2014 15:31

    Tomorrow's Press / BAGHDAD: Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, Sunday, that the Kurds have decided their fate when they voted on the constitution, which stipulates that Iraq is a federal state and one independent, while pointing out that the elections will not be delayed one hour.

    Maliki said in a televised speech followed up "tomorrow Press," "I did not Ojaml one at the expense of Iraq, I will not be only an Iraqi with respect to all identities, and the challenge that comes to me a Bmkhafatta to the Constitution, even by one point, while I will give them tens of irregularities." In addition, Maliki described threats to the Kurdistan region of repeated separation, saying, "It is not the right one in the region or elsewhere that violates the Constitution, either self-determination has decided Kurds their fate when they voted for this constitution, which stipulates that Iraq is a federal state and one independent, and the Constitution guarantor of the unity of Iraq."

    Have often said the President of Kurdistan and some officials and threaten the subject of the separation of the Kurdistan region of Iraq and the establishment of a Kurdish state and use separation as a pressure on the central government in Baghdad to achieve some personal gain at the expense of the interests of other provinces. Asked about the position of the Anbar tribes of terrorism, said al-Maliki, "not for parking clans us what we were able to stand up against the wave of terrorist. " and added: "We do not have a sectarian sectarian but sectarian political, politicians sit down on sectarian lobbying," explaining that "all Iraqis against the trend of sectarian and foreign intervention." and about the possibility of postponing the elections, Maliki said, "I assure The elections will not be delayed one hour, has Somona the postponement was pink it will not postpone or one hour, "adding," We want to change so that we can work and ally ourselves with those who want to build Iraq and the establishment of a strong state united and not a state stolen the will. "

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