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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The deputy reveals the "biggest problem" that hinders the legislation of the Federal Court Act

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The deputy reveals the "biggest problem" that hinders the legislation of the Federal Court Act Empty The deputy reveals the "biggest problem" that hinders the legislation of the Federal Court Act

    Post by Rocky Wed 07 Aug 2019, 6:30 am

    [size=35][size=35]The deputy reveals the "biggest problem" that hinders the legislation of the Federal Court Act[/size]
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    2019-08-07 | 04:53
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    [size=18]The MP for the coalition of state law, Adnan al-Asadi, on Wednesday, the most prominent points of controversy on the draft law of the Federal Court, while referring to the political consensus was the reason for blocking the legislation of many important laws and decisions articulated.

    Asadi said in an interview with Alsumaria News, "The biggest problem that hindered the legislation of many important laws and fateful decisions is the consensus, which was the cause of many failures," noting that "the law of the Federal Court was one of the victims of consensus."

    Asadi added, "The law completed his second reading, but some controversial points prevented him from voting until the moment, and among those points is the desire of the Kurds to be unanimous vote in the court and that each member voted Veto and disrupt the vote, which in our opinion will cripple the work of the court offset by opinion Another that the vote by half plus one, "pointing out that" the other problem in the number and quality of scholars and who they are and the nature of their work within the court. "

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