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    04~23~2014 Horoscopes


    Posts : 854
    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Age : 54

    04~23~2014 Horoscopes  Empty 04~23~2014 Horoscopes

    Post by Cat561 Wed 23 Apr 2014, 5:31 am

    Communication is the drive today. Whether your business is directly in sales or not, you must make yourself understood–ask if the buyer has any questions. This will help to eliminate any disagreements or frustrations later. That little extra time will endear you to your customers. Making yourself understood creates a clear path to your positive gains. At home this afternoon, the same one-on-one situation may occur with regard to taking a little time to communicate well with each family member. This time, however, it is you who must do the listening. Make it a point to do your best to spend time with each member of your little family so as to build stability. There is talk among family members of investing in land near a lake and you like what you hear.

    There is a need to experience a change of ideas. You may begin to think about learning morse code to open up a new avenue of possibilities. Things are in the process of changing at work and your attitude is a good one; sit back and see what happens. You tend to enjoy evolving. This is a time you can be successful at many things and there is no benefit to worry; be prepared for an interesting ride these next few weeks. For now, the swing of the day lends itself to many beginnings and endings–projects, etc. You strive to expand your life experiences and this is a positive time. Family matters are happily emphasized this evening. Leaving work early, you may attend a performance or art exhibit with which a family member is involved.

    You may be urging communications between long-time enemies in order to create a peaceful result. There is a dynamic and outgoing quality to your lifestyle now. This is no time to be meek. You’d be smart to speak up–loud and clear. Competition encourages you today. You may be besting others in the heat of competition and taking on a leadership role that means more to you at this time. A financial situation deserves your attention this afternoon. Get an agreement in writing for your own protection. Conditions permitting, this evening will find you following through on a few previous plans. Outdoor sports activities are the direction of your energies. A group from work or a group you have joined may take part in a bit of competition.

    You will be feeling better and better about your career path now. People or time that blocks your progress may frustrate you; this is one of your life lessons to learn. Allowing yourself patience, enough to go through the obstacles, learning lessons and moving ahead creates that complete person you are looking for within your own self. The blocks we experience will prepare and teach us about our world and how we fit into it. You can accomplish your dreams earlier than you thought possible. By carefully balancing your aims with your current circumstances and needs, you can gradually increase your finances. This is an excellent time to also increase your association with others who share your ideals or goals.

    You can become mesmerized by the magic of life and you enjoy being caught up in the glamour. Keeping your concentration steady and knowing where or how you want to see your goals completed, you will remain untouched by the magic of the unknown possibilities. Problem solving is easier when the creative mind is active. You work to develop your creative mind in some venue of art, music or photography. You can encourage others to become expressive in some form of art as well. Your attitude is positive, making your professional life confident. Someone may compliment you on your tastes or belongings this afternoon. Physical bonds are important in order to maintain a balance in life. Enjoy a friend’s company this evening.

    Steer away from romantic arguments today. Circumstances may conspire to limit and hinder your sense of independence and originality–this will pass. You may spend a great deal of time communicating with others today. Keep up the work–your patience and positive train of thought will gain you much. You show a bit of assertiveness as you work on a project with others. Your workday ends with all of your work completed. Be sure to give everyone their due and take no solo bows. An older person will be giving you advice, strength and hope this afternoon. Your heightened instincts will prove beneficial as you lend a helping hand in return for all the verbal encouragement. Music ends your search for harmony and quiet moments this evening.

    Solid, secure and comfortable situations can be expected in most avenues of your life. This is a great time to be with others, in work or play. Others may require your presence for a particular job and you are able to cope with the extra work. There may be some serious decisions made about the future of a project, investment or term of employment with your business at this time. Your management and directional abilities are in high focus. A feeling of being at peace and stable on the emotional level comes into influence at this time. Stability is important to you now and you look for every way you can to secure your future. You are sensitive to the needs of others and can be a good mentor. Tremendous personal insights are available.

    Think seriously about your work this morning and what you have learned and how far you can grow within the company. If you want to stay, do not hesitate to present your ideas. If you want to move forward in your profession, privately write down some definite goals. You may decide that now is the time to further your education. Most of the time your capabilities leave your present work status behind; it is time to reassess. Whatever you decide, this is the time to get down to business with your personal plans. If you have not gotten a health check yet, you may want to schedule one. If you start school or decide to change jobs, time off now would be a good idea. Best friends will support your ideas and may have helpful information to share.

    Your financial situation fares a bit better at this time but do not hesitate to work out a plan that will help you to invest or save for the future. Continue to avoid high-risk or frivolous spending. Willingness to cooperate over these past few days has good points and questionable points. You may have been moved to the limelight, especially with superiors. You may find that you enjoy your job but there are more responsibilities than usual. Because of your management techniques, you can change these additional responsibilities before it gets to be too much or you may find a raise in order. Think on these matters but do not act on them just yet as you may find yourself going against authority. Today it should be easy to channel your energy.

    There are many conversations around you today. There may be an occasion to listen to the comments of your co-workers around a conference table. Take notes and just listen to the views of others for now; later you can research your particular interests. With good information, and a basis for individual complaints or insight before the next conference, you will be able to lend some focus to what seems like a disaster waiting to happen. Your thoughts or comments may be up for debate but little will be said in conflict. You are the peacemaker. At home this evening you may find yourself able to be more expressive. The desire to protect what you already have is strong and you may decide to refuse a request with no explanation; good for you.

    There is opportunity for success or financial growth that has not been available before. You should, however, avoid material status symbols at this time. Attempt to find a higher purpose in your career efforts. Be attentive to your responsibilities since they cannot be ignored. This is a most beneficial time to exchange ideas and seek out new project or investments. There could be an unexpected change in the normal family routine. This just could mean a change in scenery for some upcoming trip. A feeling of being at peace and stable on the emotional level is important at this time. Stability and permanence satisfies a deep emotional need. If you are staying home this evening, a new cd or some other form of music could be enjoyed.

    There are keys and techniques for solving problems. While others do not seem to want to cooperate today, you may be looking for ways to compromise. Study some self-help books in the library and find tools that will help you to help others. If you are working in an environment that is unpleasant, it can leave you feeling drained toward the end of the day. You are not the only one that is feeling this drain, but you may be the only one that is willing to find a solution. You might like to ignore responsibilities and do some socializing later. Again, it may be up to you to make some needed changes. This evening you will have some real opportunities to involve yourself with your friends and chat about your hobbies. Enjoy a walk after the evening meal.

      Current date/time is Thu 23 Jan 2025, 7:22 am