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    Tehran is proceeding to introduce Iraqis without a seal and an official reveals the reason for this

    Admin Assist
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    Posts : 277353
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Tehran is proceeding to introduce Iraqis without a seal and an official reveals the reason for this  Empty Tehran is proceeding to introduce Iraqis without a seal and an official reveals the reason for this

    Post by Rocky Thu 15 Aug 2019, 1:35 am

    [size=36]Tehran is proceeding to introduce Iraqis without a seal and an official reveals the reason for this Iranian move[/size]

    Political | 08:59 - 15/08/2019

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    BAGHDAD - Mawazine News, 
    a senior Iraqi official, on Thursday, Tehran began the process of bringing Iraqi citizens to Iran without stamping their passports, revealing the reason for the Iranian move. 
    "The Iranian authorities have already started the process of bringing Iraqi citizens into Iran without stamping their passports, and only giving them a stamped declaration indicating that they entered the country legally," the official said, revealing "Iranian efforts to reach an understanding aimed at facilitating the arrival of other nationalities." Tehran does not have relations with their countries, to Iran through Iraq. "
    The official pointed out that "the reason behind the Iranian step towards entering its territory without stamping the passport inside, comes after the imposition of various Arab and foreign countries, most notably the United States, Britain, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt and other countries, strict measures on those who have Iranian seals on their passports, The information confirmed by sources in the Iraqi Foreign Ministry and the Baghdad International Airport. " 
    The official said, "It is an Iranian maneuver against measures by foreign and Arab countries that have placed restrictions on granting visas to Iraqis who have stamps of a visit to Tehran."
    He stressed that "Iraqis can now enter Iran without stamping their passports, where they are given a stamped permit sheet through which they can roam throughout the provinces and stay in hotels and review hospitals and tourist areas, with all the information about the tourist when entering on a unified electronic system with the security services And Iranian port authorities. " 
    He pointed out, "The measure helped encourage the undecided to go to Iran, for fear of being denied entry to other countries, especially Iraqi traders and businessmen who have channels of trade with several countries, as well as Iraqi politicians."
    He explained that "the seal of the Iraqi ports authority to leave the citizen requires the presence of another seal on the same day or the next day from another country, which may constitute a missing link. The countries targeted by this Iranian step may consider every departure from Iraq without entry for a second country that the passport holder He was in Iran if he wanted to check passports. ''

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277353
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Tehran is proceeding to introduce Iraqis without a seal and an official reveals the reason for this  Empty Tehran: Cancellation of visa on visit forty does not mean not to limit the number of visitors

    Post by Rocky Thu 15 Aug 2019, 1:56 am

    [size=35][size=35]Tehran: Cancellation of visa on visit forty does not mean not to limit the number of visitors[/size]
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    2019-08-15 | 02:25
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    [size=18]Iranian Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli said that canceling the visa in the 40th visit of Imam Hussein (PBUH) does not mean that there is no quota for the number of visitors.

    Fazli was quoted by Fars news agency as saying that "in the forty days the visa will be canceled to Iraq, of course that does not mean there is no censorship and no quota for the number of visitors.

    "The Iraqi interior minister will visit Iran on Sunday, and we will talk more in a joint meeting," Fazli said. 

    He added: "We will discuss in the joint meeting with the Iraqi Interior Minister to establish new border crossings during the visit forty and special circumstances in the days of Ashura and Tasoa." 

    For his part, Secretary of the Infrastructure Preparation Committee for the 40th visit Majeed Abdullahi told IRNA that "the Khosravi crossing will be opened to visitors of the 40th."

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