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    This week .. Czech delegation is visiting Iraq for this reason

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    This week .. Czech delegation is visiting Iraq for this reason Empty This week .. Czech delegation is visiting Iraq for this reason

    Post by Rocky Sun 22 Sep 2019, 1:58 am

    [size=36]This week .. Czech delegation is visiting Iraq for this reason[/size]

    Political | 09:07 - 22/09/2019

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    Iraq's Ambassador to the Czech Republic Sondos Omar Ali announced an upcoming visit to a Czech government economic delegation to Iraq this week.
    "She met with a Czech delegation from the Ministry of Industry and Trade who will participate in the meetings of the third session of the Iraqi-Czech Joint Commission to be held in Baghdad for the first time from September 24 to 25," Ali said.
    "The delegation, headed by the Czech Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, will discuss strengthening economic and trade cooperation between Iraq and the Czech Republic during the next phase," Ali said.
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    This week .. Czech delegation is visiting Iraq for this reason Empty Czech government delegation visits Iraq

    Post by Rocky Sun 22 Sep 2019, 2:05 am


    Czech government delegation visits Iraq

    [rtl]Date of edit:: 2019/22 8:36 • 119 times read[/rtl]
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    BAGHDAD: Iraq's ambassador to the Czech Republic, Sondos Omar Ali, announced an upcoming visit to a Czech government economic delegation to Iraq this week.
    Ali said in a press statement that she had met with a Czech delegation from the Ministry of Industry and Trade, which will participate in the meetings of the third session of the Iraqi-Czech Joint Commission to be held in Baghdad for the first time for the period from 24 to 25 September.
    "The delegation, headed by the Czech Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, will discuss strengthening economic and trade cooperation between Iraq and the Czech Republic during the next phase," Ali said.
    For its part, considered the Committee on Economy and Investment, the visits of international delegations to Iraq as a guide to the country's economic recovery.
    The committee member said Mazen Feeli in a press statement that " the visit of that world delegations to Iraq is a positive sign, and evidence that Iraq had reached an economic recovery phase, and that the arrival of countries, capital and investors to him for the establishment and investment of major projects, proof of that."
    He added that "the economics of those countries in Iraq saw a safe and fertile environment to invest in, stressing the need to provide government facilities to foreign investors to implement projects through which to absorb unemployment and labor."

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    This week .. Czech delegation is visiting Iraq for this reason Empty Czech government delegation to visit Iraq this week

    Post by Rocky Sun 22 Sep 2019, 2:13 am

    Czech government delegation to visit Iraq this week

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    Economy News _ Baghdad

    Iraq's ambassador to the Czech Republic, Sondos Omar Ali, announced on Sunday an upcoming visit by a Czech government economic delegation to Iraq this week.
    Ali said in a press statement that she "met with a Czech delegation from the Ministry of Industry and Trade, which will participate in the meetings of the third session of the Czech-Iraqi Joint Commission to be held in Baghdad and for the first time for the current period from 42 to 52 September," indicating that the delegation headed by the Minister It will discuss strengthening economic and trade cooperation between Iraq and the Czech Republic in the coming period. ”
    For its part, the Committee on Economy and Investment in the House of Representatives considered the visits of international delegations to Iraq as a guide for the country's economic recovery.
    "The visit of these international delegations to Iraq is a positive sign, and evidence that Iraq has reached the stage of economic recovery, and that the arrival of countries, capital and investors to establish large and investment projects is a sign of that," committee member Mazen al-Faili said.
    "The economists of these countries saw in Iraq a safe and fertile environment for investment," he said, stressing "the need to provide facilities from the government to foreign investors to implement projects through which to absorb unemployment and employment of labor."

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
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    This week .. Czech delegation is visiting Iraq for this reason Empty Upcoming visit of a Czech government economic delegation to Iraq

    Post by Rocky Sun 22 Sep 2019, 2:34 am

    Upcoming visit of a Czech government economic delegation to Iraq

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    Iraq's ambassador to the Czech Republic, Sondos Omar Ali, announced on Sunday an upcoming visit by a Czech government economic delegation to Iraq this week.
    "She met with a Czech delegation from the Ministry of Industry and Trade who will participate in the third session of the Iraqi-Czech Joint Commission to be held in Baghdad for the first time from the current 42 September," Ali said in a press statement.
    "The delegation, which will be headed by the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, will discuss strengthening economic and trade cooperation between Iraq and the Czech Republic in the coming period," she added.
    For its part, the Committee on Economy and Investment in the House of Representatives considered the visits of international delegations to Iraq as a guide for the country's economic recovery.
     "The visit of these international delegations to Iraq is a positive sign and evidence that Iraq has reached the stage of economic recovery and that the coming of countries, capital and investors to establish large and investment projects is a sign of that," committee member Mazen al-Faili said.
     "The economists of these countries saw in Iraq a safe and fertile environment for investment," he said, stressing "the need to provide facilities from the government to foreign investors to implement projects through which to absorb unemployment and employment of labor."

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