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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Agreement between Trump and Johnson to conclude a trade agreement by July

    Admin Assist
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    Agreement between Trump and Johnson to conclude a trade agreement by July Empty Agreement between Trump and Johnson to conclude a trade agreement by July

    Post by Rocky Mon 23 Sep 2019, 2:00 am

    [size=36]Agreement between Trump and Johnson to conclude a trade agreement by July[/size]

    Economy | 08:31 - 23/09/2019

    Agreement between Trump and Johnson to conclude a trade agreement by July 52392019_88

    Follow - Mawazine News
    British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and US President Donald Trump have agreed to conclude a trade deal between the two countries by July next year, the Sun newspaper reported.
    Johnson and Trump may announce the timetable when they meet in New York this week.
    The newspaper quoted a senior government source as saying that "the political will now exists on both sides to conclude the agreement by July.
    “It's a big victory for us and Trump is also keen to be proud of it in the United States.
    “There is also recognition from both sides of the Atlantic that it should be concluded by then because the American election cycle will begin soon thereafter.”

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Agreement between Trump and Johnson to conclude a trade agreement by July Empty US-UK trade agreement by July

    Post by Rocky Mon 23 Sep 2019, 2:27 am


    US-UK trade agreement by July

    [rtl]Release date:: 2019/23/23 8:56 • 81 times read[/rtl]
    Agreement between Trump and Johnson to conclude a trade agreement by July Story_img_5d885e70623a4
    British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and US President Donald Trump have agreed to conclude a trade deal between the two countries by July next year, the Sun newspaper reported.
    "The political will now exists on both sides to conclude the agreement by July," a senior government source was quoted as saying.
    The source pointed to the presence: "recognition of both sides of the Atlantic need to conclude by that time, because the American election cycle will begin soon after that."
    Johnson and Trump may announce the timetable when they meet in New York this week
    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277658
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Agreement between Trump and Johnson to conclude a trade agreement by July Empty Newspaper: Trump and Johnson agree to conclude a trade agreement between the two countries by next J

    Post by Rocky Mon 23 Sep 2019, 2:30 am

    Newspaper: Trump and Johnson agree to conclude a trade agreement between the two countries by next July

    Agreement between Trump and Johnson to conclude a trade agreement by July 17223

    Economy News _ Baghdad
    British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and US President Donald Trump have agreed to conclude a trade deal between the two countries by July next year, the Sun newspaper reported.
    Johnson and Trump may announce the timetable when they meet in New York this week.
    The newspaper quoted a senior government source as saying that "the political will now exists on both sides to conclude the agreement by July.
    “It's a big victory for us and Trump is also keen to be proud of it in the United States.
    “There is also recognition from both sides of the Atlantic that it should be concluded by then because the American election cycle will begin soon afterwards.”

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    Agreement between Trump and Johnson to conclude a trade agreement by July Empty Re: Agreement between Trump and Johnson to conclude a trade agreement by July

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