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    Electricity signed in Beijing a contract with a Chinese engineering company

    Admin Assist
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    Electricity signed in Beijing a contract with a Chinese engineering company Empty Electricity signed in Beijing a contract with a Chinese engineering company

    Post by Rocky Mon 23 Sep 2019, 3:29 am

    [size=35][size=35]Electricity signed in Beijing a contract with a Chinese engineering company[/size]
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    2019-09-23 | 03:26
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    [size=18]The Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs announced on Monday that the Minister of Electricity signed a contract with a Chinese engineering company "specialized in the fields of transport, energy, communications and heavy equipment," while referring to entering a work station before the summer of next year in Salah al-Din province.

    The Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs and Minister of Finance said in a statement received by Alsumaria News, that he visited the Engineering Equipment Company, which is specialized in the fields of transport, energy, communications and heavy engineering equipment, accompanied by the Ministers of Transport and Electricity, advisers to the Prime Minister and some general managers.

    Fouad Hussein explained that the company is involved in the reconstruction process in Iraq through the project of Salah al-Din power station and is currently in negotiations on the project of power station in Al-Khairat and Karbala power station project.

    According to the statement, "Zank John" Chairman of the Board of Directors expressed his delight at the visit of the Iraqi delegation to strengthen economic and trade cooperation and the readiness of his company to participate in the reconstruction efforts.

    For his part, the Deputy Prime Minister that the Prime Minister in Beijing with this high-level delegation in order to strengthen trade and economic relations between Iraq and China and will sign the framework agreement that will shape the future economic relationship.

    We are here to work together with Chinese companies in various fields, such as energy, electricity, railways, construction of dams and medical cities

    , he said. The project of Salah al-Din hopes to complete the first phase and enter the first unit to work before the summer of next year, adding that his ministry wants to quickly complete with good specifications and price.

    According to the statement, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the Minister of Electricity and the Chairman of the Board of Directors under the supervision and presence of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport.

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