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    Did the Iraqi protests devote a chill to the relationship between Abdul Mahdi and Washington?

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    Did the Iraqi protests devote a chill to the relationship between Abdul Mahdi and Washington? Empty Did the Iraqi protests devote a chill to the relationship between Abdul Mahdi and Washington?

    Post by Rocky Fri 11 Oct 2019, 2:18 pm

    Did the Iraqi protests devote a chill to the relationship between Abdul Mahdi and Washington?
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    Kalkamsh Press / Baghdad
    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi-US relations are heading towards a chill in light of recent events in the country at a time when sources reveal that Washington has refused to receive Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, just like the president and parliament.
    The latest indication of the deteriorating relationship between Baghdad and Washington at this stage was solved by the promotion of the team close to Abdul-Mahdi to the idea that the recent protests across the country against the political system was based on US motives related to economic competition between the United States and China.
    In an attempt to explain the reasons for the outbreak of protests in Iraq in this unusual way, those close to the Prime Minister promoted information indicating that the United States moved the recent demonstrations in Iraq in response to Abdul-Mahdi's recent visit to China, where he signed contracts and memoranda of understanding with Chinese companies, has It harms the interests of American companies in his country.
    Senior officials in Abdul-Mahdi's office appeared to be convinced of this account. In reference to the low cost of Chinese construction compared to Western and American standards.
    Iraqi political sources revealed to "Arabs" that "Tehran encouraged Abdul Mahdi's concerns about the US reaction to the Iraqi economic opening to China, and provided through loyal officers in Iraqi intelligence services misleading information about US moves to encourage a protest movement against the government in Baghdad."
    Advisers to Abdul-Mahdi deliberated this scenario as a hard fact according to which the demonstrations were dealt with excessive violence, which resulted in the presence of about 8,000 dead, wounded and detainees.
    But at the same time, the prime minister has received intelligence estimates that underestimate the reports of US involvement in activating a protest movement aimed at toppling his government.
    Demonstrators said the Iraqi government did not want to acknowledge the fact that the 16-year-old failure in Iraq was the main driver of one of the broadest protest movements in the country's modern history.
    With the Iraqi government insisting on granting the American conspiracy theory the widest scope to influence the course of security dealing with the protest movement, the magnitude of the great contradiction between the positions of Baghdad and Washington during this crisis has emerged through the way each party in interpreting the details of the phone call between Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi And Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, against the backdrop of the demonstrations. Both Baghdad and Washington gave a different account of what happened in the call, which embarrassed Baghdad so much that it seemed to tell the US official what he did not say.
    The text of the statement distributed by the Iraqi government that Abdul-Mahdi received a phone call from US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, noting that Abdul-Mahdi reviewed during the call "developments in the security situation and the return to normal life after the lifting of the curfew, and confirmed the control of security forces and stability, and provide the government a package Of reforms and procedures and continue to provide more in the coming days to meet the demands of citizens. ”
    The official statement added that the US Secretary of State expressed "confidence in the Iraqi forces, stressing the position of the United States in support of Iraq and the efforts of the government to enhance security and stability."
    But the statement released by the US embassy in Baghdad after the call contained different signals. Pompeo spoke with Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi. Secretary Pompeo condemned the recent violence in Iraq and noted that those who violate human rights must be held accountable.
    Pompeo "reaffirmed that peaceful public demonstrations are an essential element in all democracies," the statement said, adding that "violence is not permitted in demonstrations either by security forces or demonstrators."
    According to the US statement, Pompeo "deplored the tragic loss of life over the past few days and urged the Iraqi government to exercise maximum restraint." The strategic framework between the two countries. ”
    The statement also said that "Pompeo urged Prime Minister Abdul Mahdi to take immediate steps to address the demands of the demonstrators through the enactment of reforms and the fight against corruption."
    Informed government sources said that the US embassy resort to publishing a different story from the Iraqi government to the details of what happened between Pompeo and Abdul-Mahdi, reflects the extent of tension in the relationship between Baghdad and Washington.
    The tension is not related to the file of the demonstrations, but goes back to months ago during which the United States refused to receive Abdul Mahdi, because of his gray stand on its conflict with Iran in the region.
    Earlier, the US administration received Parliament Speaker Mohammed Halbousi and then President Barham Salih, who met his counterpart Donald Trump.
    But Washington has rejected Abdul-Mahdi's request to visit him and meet Trump on three occasions after he hesitated to respond to clarify his country's position on the crisis between the United States and Iran at a time of growing confidence in Washington that the Iraqi Prime Minister is almost entirely subject to the will of Tehran.

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