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    Turkmen demands Vice president’s post


    Posts : 5062
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Turkmen demands Vice president’s post  Empty Turkmen demands Vice president’s post

    Post by chouchou Sat 10 May 2014, 4:26 am

    Shafaq News / Turkmen official in Diyala demanded to assume the position of Vice president as well as executive positions and management of one of the security services in Iraq in next Iraqi government cabinet , adding that the Turkmen component suffers chronically from being marginalized in Dial and a number of Iraqi provinces .

    “We have a national and population right in the country , similar to other components and we will demand the post of Vice president in which the Iraqi President tried to grant it to the Turkmen during the past government term,” Hassan Auzmn , member of the Iraqi parliament and the candidate of National coalition, led by Iyad Allawi in Diyala said in an interview with " Shafaq News “.
    Auzmn stressed that Turkmen are marginalized in executive positions and the Prime Ministry as well as being marginalized in the administration of one of three man security agencies in the country, the intelligence , national security and military intelligence , calling to grant Turkmen the management of one of the security institutions or senior government positions .

    Auzmn predicted 7 to 8 seats for Turkmen in the next parliament which qualifies them for the post of deputy in one of the three presidencies , the parliament , the republic and the prime ministry.
    The Turkmen currently form about 8 to 9 percent of the population of Diyala province, 67 kilometers northeast of the capital, Baghdad, and considered the third nationality in the country.

    With occupies about 5 to 6 percent of the demographics of Iraq , distributed in the four provinces ; Kirkuk , Mosul ,Diyala and Salahuddin provinces as well as the province of Kurdistan .

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