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    Trump told Erdogan: Don't be rigid… don't be a fool

    Admin Assist
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    Trump told Erdogan: Don't be rigid… don't be a fool Empty Trump told Erdogan: Don't be rigid… don't be a fool

    Post by Rocky Thu 17 Oct 2019, 2:57 am

    Trump told Erdogan: Don't be rigid… don't be a fool
     Policy  17/10/2019  42
    Trump told Erdogan: Don't be rigid… don't be a fool 1043081651

    Clackamsh Press / Continue 
    US President Donald Trump warned his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in a message before the start of the Turkish attack on Syria, saying: “Don't be rigid… don't be a fool.”
    The White House released the letter, which Trump sent to Erdogan, on October 9, amid attempts by the US president to contain the political losses caused by his decision to withdraw US troops from northern Syria. According to "Reuters."
    The recent US decision to withdraw US troops from northern Syria paved the way for Turkey's attack on Washington's allies in that region.
    In a related context, the US President, Donald Trump, on Wednesday, anger in the face of Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the US House of Representatives, and drew serious insults.
    Pelosi said in remarks carried by Reuters news agency that the US president exploded anger during a mini-meeting on Syria.
    She explained that the meeting was shortened and shortened, after the House of Representatives vote on a resolution condemning the withdrawal of US troops, adding, "Trump has been greatly affected by this decision."
    "Trump was shocked by the number of Republicans, who voted in favor of the resolution, which condemned his decision."
    "I think the vote - the size of the vote and the opposition of more than two to one Republican against what the president did - probably influenced the president because it shocked him, so we couldn't continue the meeting because he broke away from reality," Pelosi told reporters.
    "I will pray for Trump's health, because of what we saw from him when he was outraged," said Senate Democratic leader Mark Schumer, who was present at the meeting.
    As Kevin McCarty, the Republican leader in the US House of Representatives, said: "Pelosi came out of the meeting quickly, following the insults Trump made to them."
    The US House of Representatives overwhelmingly backed a draft resolution condemning President Donald Trump's withdrawal of US troops from northeastern Syria, paving the way for a Turkish offensive against the Kurds.
    A total of 354 deputies voted in favor of the resolution and 60 voted against it after dozens of Trump's Republican comrades joined the Democratic majority in favor of the draft.
    Trump denied on Wednesday that he had given Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan the green light to invade Syria.
    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that his country launched a military operation in the name of "spring of peace" northeast of Syria to "clear the territory of terrorists" in reference to the Kurdish People's Protection Units, which Ankara considers an arm of the PKK and is active within " Syrian Democratic Forces, supported by the United States as part of the campaign against ISIS
    The operation, Turkey's third in Syria, was launched after months of unsuccessful negotiations between Turkey and the United States on a "safe zone" in northeast Syria to resolve tensions between the Turkish side and the Kurds peacefully, but these efforts have failed to achieve this goal due to differences. Between the parties on the operation of this mechanism.
    Turkey began its new operation after the United States announced the withdrawal of its troops from northeastern Syria by a decision of US President Donald Trump, a move strongly criticized by the Kurds despite his promise to destroy Turkey's economy if it "crossed the border."

      Current date/time is Wed 11 Sep 2024, 12:30 am