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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    30,000 families were covered with welfare salaries in Najaf

    Admin Assist
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    30,000 families were covered with welfare salaries in Najaf Empty 30,000 families were covered with welfare salaries in Najaf

    Post by Rocky Mon 11 Nov 2019, 2:00 am

    30,000 families were covered with welfare salaries in Najaf

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    The province of Najaf announced the inclusion of 30 thousand families with welfare salaries, and launched the application for the occupation of 350 degrees in the refinery in Karbala.
    The governor of Najaf, Louay al-Yasiri, in a statement reported by the official newspaper "morning" and seen by "economy news", that "the opportunities available are 350 degrees in various specialties in Karbala refinery," noting that "the province announced these degrees about a week ago, and launched the application since Yesterday (Sunday) lasts for five days, "pointing out that" these grades allocated by the Ministry of Oil to the sons of Najaf province. " 
    On the meeting with Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, Najaf governor said that "the most important thing reached by the meeting is to allocate an amount to complete the Najaf Hospital, known as the German Hospital, to be voted on this amount in the next meeting of the Council of Ministers, and the transfer of contracts in the reconstruction of Najaf to "The Ministry of Defense approved the opening of a volunteer center in Najaf for the owners of the Ministry of Defense." 
    With regard to the distribution of residential land, Yasiri pointed to "authorize the governors to distribute land belonging to the Ministry of Finance among eligible citizens, and this process will be completed soon to include the largest number of segments of society." 
    He noted that the Ministry of Finance has been tasked with solving the issue of projects implemented in the province, especially school buildings projects. ". 

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