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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Integrity announces the issuance of arrest and recruitment orders against nine ministers, 23 deputie

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Integrity announces the issuance of arrest and recruitment orders against nine ministers, 23 deputie Empty Integrity announces the issuance of arrest and recruitment orders against nine ministers, 23 deputie

    Post by Rocky Mon 09 Dec 2019, 6:11 am

    Integrity announces the issuance of arrest and recruitment orders against nine ministers, 23 deputies and governors

    12:28 - 09/12/2019

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    The information / Baghdad ..
    On Monday, the Integrity Commission announced its overall procedures for arrest and recruitment orders issued during the month of November against ministers and those of their rank and those with special degrees, indicating that orders were issued against (226) accused of them.
    The authority said in a statement, which received / information / a copy of it, that “orders to bring in were issued against (9) ministers and their ranks, including current and five former ministers, in addition to two previous ministers”, indicating that “the orders also included (12) members of the House of Representatives , Including (10) members in the current session, as well as an current deputy minister, (3) former agents, and (2) precedents.
    She referred to “issuing arrest and recruitment orders against an existing governor and (11) ex-governors, (118) a member of the current governorate council, (26) former members and (11) former members,” explaining that “32 general directorates were included With those orders, (19) are currently director general in the ministries of oil, electricity, education, health, industry and the Sunni Endowment Bureau, and (11) former director in the cabinet and the Baghdad municipality and the ministries of higher education and scientific research and health and municipalities and public works and transport and industry, in addition to two general managers who were previously The Ministries of Health and Transport.
    The commission affirmed that “the total number of arrest and recruitment orders issued against the defendants amounted to (256) orders, including (221) recruitment orders and (35) arrest warrants,” noting that “51 orders were executed, while (68) defendants were referred to another investigation court.” The trial court or to other investigative bodies. Ended / 25
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